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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. gregg - rules of the internet long read but fuck that was funny and true I know everyone of us can relate to that lol ross - didn't mean for that to be directed at you or whoever that other guy was I multiquoted. my apologies to both of you. ben - that explanation makes sense but to be honest I knew that from the getgo and I've just been in a controversial mood lately. sorry and also sorry to stir the pot with the new avatar, which ill change soon.
  2. damn you guys are lazy. its already in the userCP panel to turn them off. do your mom's still make your lunches too?
  3. its a motorcycle forum, bikes and babes. what do they expect coming to a forum like this? nuns? i know ben is smart enough to make it so visitors don't see avatars/sigs if that really IS the issue here.
  4. borrowing my friends computer. i dont mess with vista.
  5. what about self censorship? if you are in a work place or on a public computer and think some of these avatars may be offensive or get you in trouble censor yourself: seriously whats next censor swearing? if you are going to censor these avatars/sigs then why did you give us this option in the CP to turn them on or off? whats the point of them then?
  6. lol rc im not bitter dude no worries. im just trying to find something to pass the time.
  7. that could be nws too at the rate this is going... :-/
  8. o there is still a chance it could happen. I know he doesn't inherit points, but with the way the seasons been the lead guy does not have enough points to have this season locked down. to say there is 0% chance is wrong, to say slim to none chance well ok..
  9. ya ya ill get to it when I get home. im mobile right now
  10. fuck. first obama and now or.net? what is the world coming to!?
  11. points wise he still has a shot at actually winning the championship. of course a lot of dominoes have to fall in place for that to happen, but it still could happen.
  12. wait wait wait. isn't there an option to TURN OFF avatars AND sigs? why can't said people who view them at work/church/leisure just opt to turn them off still allowing me to keep my right to have whatever avatar i please.
  13. now i dont want his bike to be nicer than mine... is he actually selling or just a putting it out there if someone bites cool kinda sale? in other words how low could he go with that offer? 5500? 5750? etc pics?
  14. ^wtf lol. alright ill give him the heads up. 6g may be a bit of a stretch tho
  15. PM with the information or reply to this thread. price range is ~5k scratches here and there ok, frame/forks straight a must.
  16. why would they send you to a motoGP event when there aren't any aprilia's that run that series...
  17. looking into these years for a friend (i believe there are two different models within those years, yes? sorry im a yamaha guy). any years he should stay away from or focus more on? problems to lookout/check for before he buys? anything noticeable on the pre-buy check or ride besides the basic things to look for? i read something about a weak trans? is that like a full transmission overhaul to fix or a few bits and pieces and its golden? street use only for now, considering track late next season.
  18. raced a 7L shelby cobra kit car on 315 once, the 5 inch headers/exhaust sounded orgasmic.
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