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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. Depends on your foot really, the nike shox weren't as comfortable for me as the adidas bounce was.
  2. gov't pays for my shoes..."business expense"
  3. i can't comment on the quality of the build yet as i've really had no time/place to push the bike and probably won't until mid spring when track season starts for me. BUT i can comment on his customer service and it was grade A top notch stuff. If i had questions/concerns about anything in the process he answered quickly and thoroughly. He suggested doing a full revalve but that pushed it out of my budget and then he mentioned a "trick" he could do to the OEM valves to increase their performance abilities. Not only did he help with suspension questions, he also helped me with my transmission work and all my engine questions he answered as well. Always answered the phone, in all the times i called he always picked up it never once made it to voicemail. Im sure i was a thorn in his side during all my questioning, but i learned more than i ever could imagine and am very thankful. what i had done: front-- OEM revalve "trick" new .9 springs new fluid seals/shims/misc parts rear-- cleaning refresh total: ~380.xx My back shock spring was pretty black with soot/grime when i sent it out to him. I tried everything in my knowledge to get it clean, nothing worked. When i got it back it looked good as new, as if it came right from the factory! I also asked questions regarding different suspension setups with different profile tires (60 v 70) up front and he told me specifically what to do and when to know its at the premium setting as far as geometry. Rub is good, he will work with you and your budget to get the product/results you want. I would recommend him to anyone who needs work done, whether it be suspension or engine related. pics: this is what came out of my front forks when he drained them:
  4. i can't comment on the quality of the build yet as i've really had no time/place to push the bike and probably won't until mid spring when track season starts for me. BUT i can comment on his customer service and it was grade A top notch stuff. If i had questions/concerns about anything in the process he answered quickly and thoroughly. He suggested doing a full revalve but that pushed it out of my budget and then he mentioned a "trick" he could do to the OEM valves to increase their performance abilities. Not only did he help with suspension questions, he also helped me with my transmission work and all my engine questions he answered as well. Always answered the phone, in all the times i called he always picked up it never once made it to voicemail. Im sure i was a thorn in his side during all my questioning, but i learned more than i ever could imagine and am very thankful.
  5. refer to my dual headlights theory a few posts back. maybe not a solution, but a theory nonetheless.
  6. i have read the reason many bikes are going to the one side cyclops look light for lo beam is because if both sides have hi/lo function it just looks like a car far in the distance. maybe his bike had both beams on, or maybe it was an older bike with hi/lo in both sides. to the elderly lady, this could be the case. however don't get me wrong, it could go either way as said earlier and she just plain wasn't looking.
  7. yikes nick! that has to be something you want to forget...
  8. its nearly the same amount of time from campus to delaware and campus to hocking 374. id like to explore logan region more often, plus i have a place to stay since my gf is at OU.
  9. all these reviews is making me think of getting my street plastics redone...
  10. oh my gosh people high school was like sooo last year. brandon is "leaving" meaning you wont be seeing him around much, if any. Yet he will still continue to be a member on here so that he can keep in touch with the friends he has made through this forum. was that so hard? ben--you are a cool guy and i respect you and all the work put into this site, but seriously why post the PM's? there's no need. he's an ass for making those statements, just leave it be. now make this high school drama bullshit go away.
  11. easy peasy on your own. need a rear stand for both options (borrow one from a friend, or buy one you will always find a need for a rear stand)-- you have: front under triple stand - incredibly easy (rating of 1 on the ease scale, 5 being the hardest). put on stand loosen pinch bolts on both the upper and lower triple, make sure you have something under the tire so in case you loosen too much it doesn't fall too far. just loose enough that you can pull them down with your hands. no front stand - about a two. same process, just a difference in how to lift the front. you have a car? know someone with a car? borrow their scissor jack that is in the trunk of most modern cars, and jack up the bike by the headers (remove lowers first). have an extra hand to watch the bike balance, it wont fall over sitting on its own but its not as sturdy as most would like. i believe you want the top of the forks to be flush. unless you want to mess with geometry...
  12. unplug the fronts too... and smash - do the novice group first. you wont regret it! just make sure you stay away from the dude with pinstripes. he's kinda weird...
  13. i love motorcycle parking privileges on campus. 15 dollars for the whole year gets you closer parking than what they A pass people get when they pay 300+ for parking.
  14. comm 200 - eveland. he's a cool guy. just too much weight on exams for me.
  15. Ok so basic jist of this is im taking a class req'd for my major. The grade in this class consist of 90% weight for exams (2) and 10% for pop quizzes and max of 3% for extra credit. Now i have full points in both extra credit and pop quizzes, they were easy as they were only based on that day's lecture. However, I am a HORRIBLE test taker. I go into an exam feeling like i have studied my ass off and confident, yet seem to for the most part come out of it with a lower than expected grade. I did improve by 24% from my midterm exam grade to the final exam grade, however my final course grade is still short of what i need by 5%. I sent an email asking if their was a curve and basically stating that i am confident in the material of the course, just not a good test taker at all and to arrange a meeting to talk further. He replied that there is no curve and not really sure what we would need to setup a meeting for when he could answer everything through email. How would you guys/gals write the next email saying "bump me 5%" without sounding desperate? gen. discription of prof: very down to earth guy yet a doctorate, wears jeans and hoodie to teach when his co-workers are in suits and ties. about mid 40's with kids. I've talked to him once asking about a notes clarification from a prior class.
  16. 520/525/530 is only referring to the pitch of the chain, nothing more.
  17. i actually think it will be more biaggi and spies than haga.
  18. your speedo/mileage wont be off if it has the 520 on it. unless you instead meant to say it has a different sprocket count than OEM. "520" does not equal different sprockets.
  19. ^you are referring to sprocket change t-dude, recon is referring to the chain width. and yes recon typically for weight savings, unsprung weight etc... less rotating weight can lead to better performance. plus normally at least the yamaha factory come stock with 532 pitch, the 520 is the most common size out there right now so if you ever need sprockets and chains when the time comes its easily accessible. there is talk about chain life with the 520 vs 530, but with the prices of chains nowadays it becomes a null statement IMO.
  20. maybe come down closer to the cbus area with your bike and parts? i know there are tons of people willing to help around these parts. i would but i've got exams followed by spring break coming up.
  21. was it just me or was that helmet waaay too big for that girl in the last scene? o thats right, it had to accommodate her ridiculous hair-do.
  22. do you carry stones 002's catman
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