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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. yes! i used to run street fx my first month i had my bike. then i took them off and put them in my parts bin.
  2. take the fuel line off or unplug the coils? if you take the fuel line off how would that product make its way from the tank to the carbs...?
  3. seafoam everything would be my next step. a little bit in your tank, a little down your stacks, and suck a little through your vacuum lines (same ones you use to sync your carbs) not all at once, try one thing first see the result and go from there. also how long did you try and crank it? its going to take a bit of time for the fuel you just drained to work its way back into the lines/bowls. maybe you gave up to early?
  4. empty parking lot. country roads. no matter where you go im guessing you probably got <20-30 minutes until someone sees you and reports it
  5. its different for sure, definitely more aggressive position. just from riding to and from class though its not really any different. ill be able to know for sure how they are once track season starts and on my first long ride.
  6. Brian blew this thread up. Im not doing the original idea anymore. If anything im getting an average comparison off of MyLaps and posting that up instead. geez Brian... lol
  7. yamaha taking over woot! don't push it just yet dood, roads are still covered with salt and debris from teh winter
  8. you gotta remember to turn the lights on when your digging around the medicine cabinet Nick. especially if you're married
  9. yup, mine was easy to get off. but im sure its been off before. i still think you all are a bunch of pussy's lol jk
  10. keeping the bike close to home for now until i am confident the bike won't blow up...
  11. take that money you saved by buying the 750 and get yourself a new paint job or even find plastics of the color of choice on the wera board. in most cases, even after you bought the new bodywork, you'll still be under the cost of the other bikes.
  12. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/feb/09/16-illegals-sue-arizona-rancher/ 16 illegal Mexicans sue Arizona rancher: Claim violation of rights as they crossed his land
  13. have you ever set your sag? thats where you need to start. going from 200-190, wouldn't your ride height be changed? that could affect your geo and make things squirrely. It may not look like a lot, but there is a noticeable difference between 2mm and 1mm of ride height change on my bike. yours may be different though. someone else chime in if im wrong.
  14. natedogg624


    i dont want to take away from this thread, it was an excellent movie as stated. if you want the movie, let me know.
  15. natedogg624


    yes we are. the movie Taken (where the dad's daughter is kidnapped in france) was out on DVD on Nov 5 of 08. "out" is used loosely here...
  16. maybe next time you don't tighten it as much and just safety wire it...
  17. natedogg624


    actually the DVD was released on Nov 5 of 08. i just got it mid january, my bad on the dates.
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