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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. wait. you wanna go cheap on your head, but yet get 500 dollar pants? that makey no sensey... helmet first dude. get the rest accordingly. and the more you save buying gear the more trackday's you can do... not saying don't skimp on gear, but sometimes you don't need to get the top of the line stuff all the time (save for your head) i did just fine with entry level boots and gloves for 2 years before i upgraded myself. also keep poking around those ebay dealers i got my suit for 75% off.
  2. this is the one my uncle had that i rode in the winter time. i can't say that its mine but it sure as hell was fun. i almost think 4 wheelers are more fun in the snow than snowmobiles.
  3. just an FYI that jacket is a one time use jacket, once you crash you will need to buy a new one. everything else looks save for the pants. if your going to spend 500 on pants alone, why not chalk a few more hundred bucks and get yourself a decent 1pc full suit. and there are actually full suits you can get for 500 bucks right now especially in the winter. plus textile jackets and leather pants don't really go well together...
  4. maybe this will change your mind. note the jaw and everything else thats generally f-ed up bad. im not any kind of doctor so maybe someone on here that is can explain a little more whats going on its just the jaw that stood out the most to me. http://flickr.com/photos/roentgenator/2450912496/
  5. purdy - both? if your interested i will sell it. i dont really have any information on actual bow hunting but i have a compound bow available if your interested. again i haven't been home in a while to get a reasonable estimate on a fair price.
  6. no no the story may not be real, but the pics are definitely real. if you read the thread someone finds their myspace's.
  7. http://www.sherdog.net/forums/f7/i-got-married-last-weekend-pics-877461/
  8. i got a bow. i haven't used it in a few years. good bow, easy to use. its been well maintained waxed the string after every use. but string needs fixed, not due to lack of maintenance but more a botched peep sight install, string is frayed. easy fix though, i will fix it before its in your hands if your serious about buying it. ill have to look up more info on it, but i haven't used it in a few years just too busy with school. retailed for 500 + ~100 in accessories. accessories installed: sights, new cams, arrow holder, peep sight, a few other things would come with a nice case. sighted for 10, 25, 50 meters. thats all i remember without seeing it in a few years. i have to do some research to see what the going rate is on the bow first before i set a price. if your interested im going home on wednesday and can get you more info w/ pics etc. update: its a browning bow.
  9. that ohlins steering damper for the kawi zx10. is that just the damper or the mounting kit as well? ill be keeping an eye on that one... correct me if im wrong but the ohlins damper's are universal so long as you get the correct mounting kit, yes?
  10. this is where im at now: that frame is really light. i was actually surprised. (please excuse my roomates "GTRDUN" license plate...) swingarm is off too. this is just a temporary holding place, as you can see im pretty sure this milk crate isn't going to last long... radiator chilling, heh get it...chillin... ok that was lame. well big thanks to chris (tomcat) for helping me out with this project today, as well as all of you that posted in my threads answering and giving advice. as you can see basically everything is removed, obviously. next step is to build a crate out of 2x4s for the engine, take pieces to the car wash and pressure spray them down (example the bottom part of the frame where the black stuff is on the left side, all gunk that can srape off...) anyways this is where im at, just a little update along the way. if anyone thinks this is really hard, its not actually at all just a lot of patience and a buddy. but i've been studying both the haynes and factory service manual for a while now. (be careful though as i found out, they could give different directions)
  11. well i got the swingarm off and dropped engine today. ill post up pics once everything is cleaned up in the garage later. thanks for the help guys.
  12. this is where im getting confused. i do indeed have the factory service manual same as the one reconrat posted up. the factory service manual says finger tight for both the swingarm and engine adjuster bolts. the haynes service manual says engine adjuster 7Nm, and the swingarm adjuster finger tight.
  13. ok so maybe not the best idea but i was bored and just yanked on the swingarm a few times and it budged loose. checked the adjuster bolt and bearings all look ok, nothing damaged in the process... now its just going to be a bitch to get back on. i think by the time i need to put it back on i will have myself a dremel and will be able to make my own tool.
  14. ok so maybe not the best idea but i was bored and just yanked on the swingarm a few times and it budged loose. checked the adjuster bolt and bearings all look ok, nothing damaged in the process... now its just going to be a bitch to get back on. i think by the time i need to put it back on i will have myself a dremel and will be able to make my own tool.
  15. thanks for that. i had to look at it again closer. the nut is the one that you don't want to come off, and its just a normal nut. the adjuster bolt is the finger tight and special tool req'd. wow again thanks for clarifying that. my brain is totally fried from school and what not. seriously thanks. on a side note im heading up to formula buckeye garage and seeing if they have some sheet metal i can cut into the size of the slot.
  16. i download too much for our complex's router. i have to reset after downloading torrentz for around 10 minutes. roadrunner BC.
  17. the top pic of that mag cutout is what makes me want to go back to mid oh.
  18. honda northwest does! i hope. idk the guy i was talking to sorta sounded like he had the part. and i can just leave my driver's license to get it.
  19. to go with what we would do with that 15T... i lol'd http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?videoId=24406
  20. can it be fitted into a car for moving between my place and yours? legs taken off or anything like that?
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