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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. that black "thing" is a mint 1987 Porsche 911 Targa whale-tail. its one of the only ones i've seen on the streets with chrome Fuchs, normally they are color match. its also has the rare triple black option, black on black with black trim. never been in the rain. pretty remarkable. i know its not a bike buttt: its my dad's toy...
  2. my roomate ordered something off there around april/may and it still wasnt' there finals week in june. he was freaking out, because it had shipped last week of may and was hopping all around the state before finally getting to him on the last day that he was there...
  3. dang where is lizard to clear this up... my understanding from the people i have talked to is this for the novice class, you are not following an instructor, save for the first few laps, but there are instructors on course. you go at your own pace but no passing unless you are clearly able to overtake him on a straightaway only. I-are allowed to pass in turns, but on the outside only A- all out war I im not to sure if thats correct or not. and its 7-20 minute sessions. this is all for a normal STT tracktime, not LED which i know nothing about. if someone knows otherwise please let me know.
  4. sometimes thats what it takes... she hates getting on it, but when she does i make sure to quickly capture the moment haha
  5. no its just the older model. they always have amazingly good deals though. but i think its woot (might be some other store) but shipping takes FOREVER.
  6. same goes for comp acc in the dayton/springfield area. never trusting anyone but myself to do my own work. even if it takes 4 weeks to do engine work at least i did it myself so if i screw up i have only myself to blame plus it saves a TON in labor costs, and you get to work on your bike. schwing!
  7. natedogg624

    Ride 7/27

    a lot of honda riders im noticing... mclovin i hope you come so our bikes can chat.
  8. natedogg624

    Ride 7/27

    nick will figure out everything he needs to know about the rider from these simple questions. yup.
  9. natedogg624

    Ride 7/27

    wow i didn't even realize this was going on. way to go with the attractive titling haha jeeze why don't you ask for his SSN lol just kidding nick knodel--its just for our safety as well as yours so don't be offended. well if chris is there i just might have to make an appearance... don't know if im going to be all out or not i just got surgery so if i can squeeze into the suit ill be in for a bit (and if not ill still go just won't be up front with the big boys). although, sadly it will have to be a shorty i got soccer tourney in the afternoon. don't worry im well able to ride don't freak out about the riding after surgery thing...
  10. ^make sure you have an experienced rider eventually to ride with you guys so you aren't teaching each other wrong. but you'll be fine, although the only good roads near cbus are about an 20-30 minutes south of 270 in hocking... welcome to the addiction!
  11. ok after installing water/water wetter today, few things i've noticed: yes it does run cooler, approximately 10-8 degrees cooler for me when rolling. but it also will get hotter faster. no its not alarming but with antifreeze it stayed at 178 for a while before it started to get hotter. water+water wetter is a little less stable and will get to 200+ quicker than antifreeze if your stopped at a light. which is ok if your running track and don't plan at stopping at any lights or getting caught in traffic. but thats when i apply my California lane splitting rule, and claim to the officer thats where i grew up and learned and technically there is no law to say i cant do it... (sorry for the unneeded ending run on)
  12. i think i scrubbed mine in about 3 miles... haha
  13. a few corners gradually getting lower and lower and then im all in... michelin PP's haven't let me down yet
  14. ^so as of now they are no more thursday nights at the lodge... dang some of the waitresses were hawt
  15. right on, its 3-4 caps (1 oz) per quart. i just checked out engine ice at comp acc (worst place ever) but the guy that was looking in his book of goodies said that engine ice was AMA legal in the notes. not sure if that means its ok on the track... let me go look at my water wetter i just got today... 50% glycol and 50% water -- 228F 50/50 + water wetter -- 220F water -- 220 water + water/wetter -- 208F all on dyno runs, so says the back of the bottle, don't know how it affects normal riding ill let you know when i do the change tomorrow.
  16. CBS don't know whack. what the REAL word on the streets is ducati were considering cutting marco after this past Laguna GP. but they are keeping him til the end of the year and marco has agreed to cancel the remainder of his contract period after this year. which increases rumors about the move for nicky hayden is already running the pneumatic valve engine and has been for some time. he needs to get out of that alberto puig run team and on to where they will treat him better. im sure he said those things in the sportrider mag to keep the rumors hush...
  17. cyclesector.com has an application for that. you sort of design your own chain/sprocket kit combo. pretty cool
  18. i got your video right here! listen to the beginning away from the mics if you can here it. and here is the article to follow it, pretty much copies it verbatum.
  19. here it is. kinda bad quality, looks like he just taped his tv? but it still shows his superman flight nonetheless...plus other highlights. i didnt watch the whole thing just enough that it showed lorenzo's wreck.
  20. announcers were ok but its still more fun listening to the eurosport tv guys do the race. that ducati was all over the place, so im not sure that anyone with experience could handle that monster not even rossi (he was offered a ride by duc for next year, that would have been interesting) props to stoner especially with how little he is! hope hayden goes to duc next year for sure that would be sweet, seems all the cards are lining up that way... i think they said at the end of the race lorenzo broke his middle bone in his right/left foot.
  21. yea that was cool but you really didn't think the back and forth between the two at the beginning was better...
  22. wow! what an amazing race! im referring to the Laguna USGP, amazing battle between rossi and stoner from the beginning for 10-14 laps back and forth back and forth rubbing fairings o man, too bad stoner's backend slid out... good for the US too especially on a main network station CBS. shows our predominate redneck racer watchers of CRAPCAR that there is more to racing than left turns and big overweight cars.
  23. psh thats just a guy bored of riding and decided to pull out his gun... a REAL speed trap is where they have a trooper in the median, usually hiding after a curve or blind hill, you are caught speeding but he doesn't come after you. whew! not so fast, the relayed your information to a waiting trooper. over the next blind spot a trooper literally standing in the middle of the highway points at you to pull over if you don't pull over their are multiple troopers waiting like dogs to chase you down. thats a speed trap... btw this didn't happen to me but a lot of my friends got caught that way. on 675 near enon and 444 a few weeks ago.
  24. you do realize yamaha has a dealer/service locator on their website... joe's is what i always go for. every time i go they have parts for my old junker 99 in stock whereas everywhere else i have to wait for them to order.
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