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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. im pretty sure if i somehow come across 60-70k i would buy a trex. that thing just looks awesome and would be well worth the money. 0-60 times comparable to motorcycles and 500-1000k supercars. i think its a win win! and yea nick the smart car is still "ok." the thing that got me the most was the engineering aspect of being able to put a busa engine in a car like that. sorry im a nerd what can ya say? lol
  2. ok i can see your point in that with a stock smart car, but imagine the smart car with a hayabusa engine dropped into it... with a busa engine i don't care what it would look like it would be quick as hell! or this would be cool too: http://youtube.com/watch?v=38TFetQAe2o
  3. haha yea for realz dude j/k so no one has any plans to go in the novice group late july or early august then?
  4. haha someone's excited to say the least...
  5. were their seriously kids riding in shorts and sandals... please say no
  6. ok so no one is going the 28th??? what about the 12th? im mostly just looking for a ride...
  7. come on someones gotta be going the 28th right??! if not the 28th...then when ARE you people going?
  8. i have found myself looking at the road 10 feet in front of me rather than looking through the turn every once in a while. and everytime i do i always run wide or swerve through the turn due to on/off gas. i think its cuz i have had some close calls with gravel and asphalt snakes and am watching out for those more than looking through the turn. but its something i plan to continue to work on...especially tomorrow morning thats a big +1 on that! not so much part 1 as that is geared towards the early early sportbikes whereas part 2 is more for our generation. although both are good reads for sure. i have something special related to Twist of the Wrist 2 if anyone wants to PM me to find out. (its something id rather not advertise on public forum)
  9. so who is going to be at mid ohio on that date? where do you guys like to stay at near the track? i know there are a few hotels right off 71 at exit 165, anything else though? anyone got any tips or advice for my first trackday? also--if you are going and are from dayton or columbus and have an extra seat in your vehicle and spot on your trailer could you please let me know!
  10. how are you getting your suspension dialed in without being at a track? i never know what to feel when i mess with suspension. the only i have right (i think) is my sag. as far as rebound and dampning dials i have no idea although i haven't messed with it too much yet.
  11. saw a bike like that in person at the bos broz bike show at mid ohio. it was a different color and not so alien like, the speakers were a little more well placed. that think kicked like you are sitting next to a tricked out suburban at a stop light.
  12. chain clip installed im back in action boys! (and girls)
  13. i just put another clip style on there for now, thanks guys
  14. ^really? mine has a tendency to slide in vanilla.
  15. or safety wire it... and my impression of the ek thing was that it only worked on certain types of chains? sub topic case closed lol anyway back on topic of the ride! looks like we are going to have great turnout and the weather looks promising as of now sweet!
  16. haha i was JUST looking at that picture on the klr650 forum did you search google nick haha also all i need to install a clip is a set of pliers right?
  17. well the clip style masterlink is gone completely, i have no masterlink right now. and i dont remember if it was facing the right direction or not, as i didn't install it. i had it on there and since last august and its been through many types of riding, so it is a viable option to just get this as a temporary fix. its just that now it will be in the back of my head that the link can fall off.
  18. ok im putting this on here because this is getting a lot of publicity: my masterlink is gone on my chain (it was a clip style) and i need to install a rivet style link before i do ANY kind of hard riding or even riding period. Anyone have a rivet master link installer that wouldn't mind helping me or letting me borrow theres or you can count me out for next weeks ride...
  19. so i need to install a rivet master link on my chain soon. but i dont want to take it to a shop where they rape me on labor for some easy job. would anyone mind helping me install my rivet link? let me know!
  20. what about the road conditions? are they clean, meaning no rocks or gravel suprises in mid turn? thats the thing that has knocked my confidence down these last few weeks since i've had a few close calls with mr gravel...
  21. alright sounds like we are finally going to have a good dayton area turnout woot!
  22. facebook used to be good because it didn't have all the customizing crap that myspace had. but now they are just both equally bad.
  23. this will keep you occupied for a while. i like the puzzle games while working, quiet yet still enjoyable. ps this isn't your average puzzle, took me a long time to beat it. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/games/bloxorz and there is this one which will just blow your mind and make you go insane: http://www.addictinggames.com/theimpossiblequiz.html
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