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Posts posted by natedogg624

  1. haha speaking of which, nick i looked at my back tire closely today since im getting ready to get rid of it.

    i noticed some slight blistering or peeling (not sure of the right word) but when the racers come back and the side portion of their tire is all tore up from riding so hard leaned over...

    it wasn't to that extent but i could see a slight remnants of it purty cool

    speaking of which, where is a good place to burnout an old never going to be used again tire...

  2. i took it down nick, but do you really think cops check out the board looking for this kinda thing?

    i mean they know where good roads are and most of the time they get their information from people calling in and complaining not stalking message boards.

  3. this is my "usual" quick fix.

    that is a really long link...

    257 and mills rd.

    be careful for gravel, just go slow your first time out and you'll see where its at. there's one or two spots where its at.

    also if you see a sheriff parked at a house, don't fret, he doesn't mind you speeding by as long as you don't crash, he's a pretty cool guy so if you see him outside don't be afraid to chat.

    and then i just turn around and do mills rd again.

    nick--do you want me to take it down?

  4. in n out FTMFW!!!!!!!!

    holy shiznit those burgers are amazing. im drooling right now just thinking about them.

    in fact i may just book a ticket to cali to go get some and bring them back.

    yes they are that damn good.

  5. nky would be next next ride guys for me

    wolfman-it was more or less flat twisties, some elevation changes nevertheless it was still a great ride. all the roads were clean gravel free.

    e- well thats ok for me but why can't you meet earlier? just curious

  6. ok the 13th sounds good for me too, wanna make sure we can get as many people as we can.

    as of now i think nick will be the group leader as far as routes go, unless someone else wants to jump in there.

    and dustin i will ride the whole time, ill make sure my day is cleared for sure. i really felt bad taking off like that :(

  7. ok so this is going to be a poll for when to do the next big ride like last sunday (6/15).

    unfortunately i work saturdays now so the only good day for me would be sundays, or thursdays (<-not sure how good that day is for a big group ride, if you want a small ride PM me and ill see if im busy or not)

    everyone shoot some ideas out there! do you wanna do a similar ride to the last one a variation or something completely different?

    again weather permitting. if the winning date is rained out then we will go on the second place date, or put up a new poll.

    you can vote for more than one option in this one fellars (and lady(s)), so pick a date and route.

    ps i think the next NEXT big ride will be nky, i dont want to go on a big time ride like nky until i get a new tire mounted and i trust it again, which should take all of 20 minute ride to trust the new shoes.

  8. anyone know of a place that is reputable and cheap to mount a tire. i was thinking of just calling competition since they did mine last time.

    also where i can i get grease to put the axle back in? auto parts store im assuming. i want to just take my rear tire, not the whole bike in, to save in labor...

    what are your suggestions?

  9. haha just my luck...

    apparently it was a technical error they sent that email out to everyone:

    It is with great regret that we must inform you that the email that was sent to you yesterday regarding the Laguna Seca MotoGP Contest was incorrect.

    Unfortunately, due to a technical difficulty, everyone who had entered a bike in the Virtual Bike Show and MotoGP Contest (both Laguna Seca and Indianapolis) received a congratulatory email instead of just the 100 actual winners for Laguna Seca. The Indianapolis MotoGP Contest will continue through August 11, 2008.

    We sincerely apologize for this error. And as a token of our appreciation, we will be sending you a specially designed Colin Edwards Laguna Seca T-shirt for the trouble and inconvenience. This shirt will be mailed immediately following the Laguna Seca event.

    Once again, we are truly sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Bob Starr

    General Manager, National Communications

    lmfao :lol: at least i get a free tshirt out of it!

  10. we dayton folk don't like to stand around gawking at each others bike, instead we gawk at each other while riding.

    something like "why sit around at a bike night or gathering when i could be riding during that time instead..."

    thats what i learned from ninjanick at least

    check the dayton area subforum for a ride coming up. we just did one last sunday that was a blast.

    keep an eye out!

  11. http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,23872113-5001021,00.html

    Nintendo Wii Fit women and the $41m damage bill

    Article from: The Daily Telegraph

    June 16, 2008 05:00pm

    WOMEN working out on Nintendo Wii Fit are helping to cause millions of dollars worth of damage to their homes.

    In Britain alone, it has been reported that bungling fitness fiends have contributed to a STG20 million ($A41.5 million) living room repair bill.

    Have you had a Wii mishap? Share your story below.

    And check out the famous video of the Wii bum dance.

    Flower pots, television sets and even pets have been sent flying by the high kicks and hula hoop motions of increasingly vigorous home exercise routines, Britain's Telegraph newspaper reports.

    Almost 20 per cent of women polled admitted having accidents after getting carried away in the living room with fitness routines such as those on the Nintendo Wii Fit.

    Many of the 1,000 women polled for women-only insurer Sheila's Wheels admitted they had caused an average of STG6.55 ($A13.60) worth of damage to their homes in the last year with over-enthusiastic work-outs. That figure equates to a national bill of STG20 million.

    The bizarre reserach was revealed as US researchers told how fitness-oriented video games have "great potential" for core strengthening and rehabilitation of injured athletes.

    "We are looking to incorporate Wii Fit into the athletic training room as far as rehabilitation, for example, on post-operative knees and ankles," said Sue Stanley-Green, a professor of athletic training at Florida Southern College in Lakeland.

    Fitness video games that have the user perform lower-body balance and weight-shifting activities could help patients with weight-bearing rehabilitation after an injury or surgery.

    Fitness video games that focus on upper body movement patterns could be helpful in the rehab centre as well. Tennis video games, for example, can be used to safely exercise the rotator cuff after injury or repair.

    "Fitness-oriented video games are also being used more and more in nursing homes for rehabilitation," Stanley-Green said, providing a fun way to help elderly people expand their range of motion.

    One of the most difficult aspects of rehabilitation is getting patients to perform tedious, repetitive exercises.

    The entertainment value inherent in video games may help boost compliance with rehabilitation and perhaps improve outcomes.

    "Fitness video games have some really good potential to improve fitness in everyone," Stanley-Green said.

    "My daughter is 12 and she has a friend who is very inactive and overweight and has some body control issues and the Wii Fit has really been a good thing for her," she explained.

    "This is a child who would rather eat than anything and it's the first time I have ever seen her say, 'I'm not coming to dinner, I'm playing the Wii'.

    "And anyone can play these games," according to Stanley-Green.

    "I am illiterate as far as video games but these are games that anyone can have success with. My daughter absolutely hates the fact that I am better at this one balance game than she is," she said.

    As with any physical activity, too much repetition of one type of movement may not be healthy.

    "There are some documented cases of 'video-game shoulder' and 'video-game elbow', so using the proper form and technique should be stressed," Stanley-Green noted.

    "Of course, ideally use of the gaming consoles should be alternated with other physical activities."

    come on seriously girls? you cant keep your self control on a video game?! :bitchfight:


  12. ok i spray painted my fairings over winter (not sure if im still considered new?) but everyone has complimented me on the job i did so...

    big chief is right on everything except for a few things...

    from a beginner to a beginner (i also was in contact with a pro auto painter to let me know about prep and that sort of thing)

    start out with an aggressive grit such as 400, this is going to be the grunt of your work. its going to be pretty roughed up and look bad.

    then go over it again with 600 (not 1000) paper same thing. its going to take a lot of work.

    the reason you should use 600 (as explained by the auto painter) is that 600 is about the right amount of roughness for the spray paint to adhere to the body, if you go too much higher it will be TOO smooth and there wont be anything to adhere to.

    don't worry about it being smooth, the coatings of spray paint will help with that.

    now another important step is washing it. make sure you wash all that sanding off. rinse with water, then wash it just like your washing your bike and let dry.

    when you paint it, start out with a light coating at first, and then every 5-10 minutes spray another coat. keep going until satisfied.

    and your done! unless your worried about wet sanding then thats another story and i didn't worry about that. this won't be a show stopping job, but like i said it still can look good if done right.

    also some advice: i just sprayed the pieces in my yard. hung the pieces on some dead but sturdy branches. the humidity will affect the quality as well as the wind. the best conditions are something like this coming week, 70's and dry air. also make sure the wind is down you don't want bugs and stuff flying into your wet paint (believe me its a bitch to get out). also don't worry if you screw up, you can always sand and spray again. if i somehow go a piece of something in my wet paint, i let it dry took a little bit of 600 grit and sanded it away (if you move it while wet it will look bad, either way you have to sand again). then wiped it down with a wet rag and resprayed.

    i like the duplicolor spray paint because its nozzle has the wide spray just like a pro paint gun. also i used about 4-5 bottles of the main color. you can get away with less since its nice out, i sprayed in the dead of winter so the cold had something to do with how many coats i used.

    good luck! and here is some pics of the job i did and i know some people on here can vouch for me that it looks good:



  13. i submitted my bike into an online sportbike show sponsored by yamaha and boz bros

    and benyen: im moving cautiously, meaning no credit card info (especially since its supposed to be free), no information other than my name and pic of my bike is all im giving them for now.

  14. so before i get too excited or anything i just got an email:

    CONGRATULATIONS! Your SuperSport bike has been selected as one of the 100 winners for the Laguna Seca MotoGP Race Weekend. You will receive two full-admission tickets for the 3-day U.S. MotoGP Race at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca along with an invitation for a special V.I.P. dinner with the Yamaha race teams and Yamaha "Weekend of Champions" stars.

    To claim your MotoGP Race admission tickets, please email ______ at ________ on or before July 7, 2008.

    To receive your V.I.P. dinner tickets, please plan to show proof of identification to Yamaha personnel in the Yamaha Display Tent in Monterey on Friday, July 18, 2008 between 8:00a-4:00p (Pacific).

    Additionally, during Friday evening's dinner, we are planning to show a video featuring our customers and would like you to submit a brief (1 minute or less) video featuring you and your Yamaha and what inspires you about it. Preferred video format is mini DV or DVCam. Please mail your video no later than Monday, July 7, 2008 to: (address) Please visit our website to view the "Winner" bikes selected in the MotoGP Contest for the Laguna Seca MotoGP Race at Virtual SuperSport Bike Show.

    Once again, congratulations and we look forward to meeting you at Laguna Seca!

    Bob Starr

    General Manager, National Communications

    i took out the contact info btw

    dont get me wrong but i do believe that means

    I JUST FUCKING WON TICKETS TO THE LAGUNA MOTO GP RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    no its not spam i already emailed the lady about it and got a response.

    too bad i live here and i don't know if i can make it over there

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