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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. why don't people ever ask how to drag elbowz anymore.
  2. probably the same, but if someone cared enough to make sure they're was paperwork i would need to make sure i have everything in order and legal.
  3. most likely mid december when i go up to get the guns. still need to work out some details as to get these guns into my name, my gma is the executor right now shouldn't be hard at all. im going to first make sure they all have paperwork or at least verified by serial to make sure everything is legit.
  4. ummm your "toolbar" is built in to the address bar with chrome. just search whatever you want in the chrome address bar and its the same thing.
  5. good idea, just a refresher but a silent auction would be similar to me posting a starting price and someone simply PMing me their best offer and whoever has the highest at the end of the period gets it, am i right?
  6. casper said he didn't care, however i need to check the legalities of having this "auction" style setup. although maybe if i didn't "check" my threads until 24 hours later and let you guys hash it out...j/k ill call my popo friend and see what he has to say.
  7. they mentioned that a few pages in. it was originally just going to be a few minor upgrades, hence why they went with the RT instead of the gas charged forks, but then the client got crazy and started dumping loads into it. they might sell the RT's and get the gas charged later
  8. google has some cool shit yota, you should look into it a little more. and i haven't gotten to that point yet, but i did just get an extension (plugin) for wave that added video conferencing capabilities (i think).
  9. ha classic OR dibbing. speaking of which, i sent casper a message regarding the rules of the forum, but also wanted to see what you guys thought: considering how many people may want these guns, would it be fair to leave the FS thread open for 24 hours and whoever has posted the highest price gets it so that everyone who wants one get a fair shot at getting these guns? or first come first serve and if you're working or schooling when these get posted sucks to be you?
  10. anything involving a group of two or more people is the use for it, except for sexy time. planning and gathering group projects, family outings, going out with friends, etc... on second thought it might even be good for sexy time.
  11. anybody have it? i just got an invite and have been using it for a little bit, looks promising for group projects.
  12. i've gotten a LOT of pm's with people calling dibs on the guns, good to see that there is interest but im just putting it out there that the "dibs" are worthless until i've posted a FS thread for each gun. this thread is merely for me to learn the process and to see what these guns are worth (when i post them) or where to find out how much they are. for those that pm'd helping me out, thank much. much appreciated.
  13. yea im 21. as far as selling them, nobody in my family is really into guns, myself included. we will most likely sell them all save for a few to family members that keep what they want. i may keep an ar15 to shoot here and there bc it looks sexy. they belong to the estate now, so i just need to get the paperwork from the executor. also, we are in close contact with the sheriff and the probate court, so we will make sure we have all the paperwork taken care of before any money exchanges hands. i will be sure to post up detailed pics with as much info as i know about them here in this thread for information purposes only. There will be separate FS threads for each gun to keep things organized when i do start selling. expect pics around mid december.
  14. and i need some help. a family member recently passed and left behind ~22 guns and counting. i know nothing of guns and their value. i know there was a few ar15's, 9's, 45's and more. where can i go around here to get them appraised, and how would i go about selling them? i would assume i can't sell these guns to any average joe off the street... also they are up in michigan. i know little of gun transportation, such as ammo and gun in separate areas of the car. Is it against the law to have 20+ guns in the trunk or my car (or the backseat, wherever the proper place is)? ill post them up when i get pics and more details in this thread, which won't be for a few more weeks once school is over.
  15. i've been using RS spanish, italian, german, and swedish (random, yes) and have become fluent enough in them to put them on resumes, which is a huge plus in the field im in. of course do the math, im only in college and 2k on programs could be used elsewhere. meaning you don't have to buy them there are other places to get them such as....
  16. abs of steel kids like me and you'll be able to sit up at any speed.
  17. natedogg624

    Go Pro HD

    yes, i believe it was the honda northeast toledo guy that has the hookup. GB: group buy.
  18. maybe now their won't be as many squids trying to whoolie
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