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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. reading fails me. i <3 pictures.
  2. been using the rotella for two years now for all applications and no ill effects.
  3. lolz you must be new to the interwebz to think this is what starting shit is. n00b ps i dont read any posts posted beforehand. i dont have the time to sift through all the "hey! welcome to the site" ":welcome:" "howdy" "ride safe" "hi!" "have fun" "what do you ride?" ":)" to see what i missed.
  4. natedogg624


    LO always with motorcycles no matter what.
  5. 1. My name is Nathan. I don't like when people call me nate although im too nice to tell them to call me by my real name. Yes i know my sn is natedogg with basically every online thing i am a part of. I was young when i came up with it and can't think of anything new or creative to change it. 2. I was falsely accused of cheating my sophomore of college on a final exam. At the time it ruined basically everything i had worked for the 12 years of schooling i had before going towards engineering. I was put on probation and they failed me for the course. Put my gpa too low to make it into the college of engineering. Was forced to make a drastic change in life direction and now am happier than i was before. 3. I have too much heart for this world. Seriously. I care too much about friends, girls, i dont know how you guys can hit it and quit it. 4. I hate bragging about myself and hate when people inflate their egos. 5. I'm probably the quietest guy you'll ever first meet. But once i get used to you its all good. 6. Girls come to me, probably because of #5. i've never "gone after" any of the girls i've dated. i've had it easy when it comes to relationships. 7. I love to draw and am good at it. Mostly cars, i hate copying cars that i see others doing or producing but rather create my own prototypes. 8. I was in marching band on the drumline. We were one of those schools that people filled the stadium just to see the band, not the football team. We were damn good. I hate to tell people i was in the marching band. 8a. I am an Eagle Scout. I earned it when i was 14 before high school started. I don't really know why, but i was ashamed to admit it but have realized now that the rewards its reaping down the road in terms of job opportunities and scholarships make up for it all. 9. Im an only child country boy. I love the country life and atmosphere. Grew up on the farm shoveling hay and bull shit (literally) with the bull in the next pen over staring at me the whole time. I believe this instilled the work ethic i have today. However, I went to NYC once for a week and now want to live there. (not bc of the girl) 10. I despise anyone who drinks and drive. My grandfather was killed by a drunk driver on his way to work in the morning...on a wednesday. I was 8. There are 12 other cousins in my family that were too young or not born yet who were never able to meet him. In fact its because of this i didn't drink until i actually turned 21. Never did the "norm" of drinking in high school or when i got to college. I always associated drinking with his death.
  6. i thought you had no skillz?
  7. correction: chicks dig big dicks.
  8. natedogg624


    some of my other views for you to check out vw:
  9. natedogg624


    so was this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3JfRZMbya4
  10. who the fuck is dale?
  11. well if you're slow, then im slow and no longer fast. i sad.
  12. natedogg624


    the wide angle lens has a large fish eye type lens, whereas the normal is just...normal.
  13. um just party hop dude, do you really not know where the frats/sororities are? how old are you?
  14. are you a girl or do you just like to flirt with your feminine side? pink redbull logo?
  15. who the fuck cares. its a damn internet forum. not real life, although too many people treat it as such.
  16. about to try it out. looks pretty neat, uses the iphone's accelerometers and gps to give you loads of data. http://tomatounion.com/ hint: i love installous
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