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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. sooo it seems we are all (or most) are for wearing gear, or at the very least a helmet, yes? then why do we have a sponsor pic of a guy not wearing one? this is no way a bash at the sponsor.
  2. i dont think we know where are tickets are exactly yet, but i usually sell one or two to make up for the hit on my bank account from buying the season tickets. i should be in A or AA. I was in block O last year and opted out this year, too much "work" and not enough watching the game.
  3. natedogg624


    big +1 blue. too many unknown variables that can and usually do change any second.
  4. natedogg624


    honestly street riding scares the shit out of me, can we ride at the track quik?
  5. i wonder if its the same guy we are thinking of...
  6. whats your point? i know its not directed at me but im curious at where you are going with this... maybe he's got talent and can get the bump after just one. I know someone who got the bump to advanced after only his third trackday ever, time on the track means nothing SG. also not trying to sound like an ass.
  7. lol, your bike would make a good art piece sitting there. no seriously, it looks good. c7 (jeff) was on slicks and doing fine... the 996 on the 11th and the 848 on the 22nd? very true on the pics part haha.
  8. looks good rusty, in person it looks that much better when i was passing you
  9. natedogg624


    good form. you've got all the essentials down. -- stick your knee out as far as it will go to be a cool kid so i can say i drag knee. -- elbows locked, always helps with the feedback from my experience -- stay as close to the center of the bike as possible to help with extreme lean angles -- properly adjusted controls for maximum pain and inefficiency -- cross the double yellow -- not wear your helmet to show off your super cool ego -- be fat.* *: sorry if there are actually overweight people reading that post. please note that it was solely directed at super quick kawi niner.
  10. i need to replace my string too so i can sell my bow, thanks for reminding me.
  11. do you know if that price will stick into next year as well brian?
  12. haha i think thats pete at the end of the backstraight there lol. what braking marker do you use for the backstraight?
  13. you made an appearance in one of my shots, but it was pit entrance...nothing special.
  14. attackpainter for your paint chris kruzel off the wera board for your decals. that dude will hook you up!
  15. smash i've had one vibrate out before on a ride. i never stopped so i really dont think anyone unscrewed them while i was riding, and we use the same spools.
  16. can you get your elbows between your knees if you crouch down? if not it might be one size too small. snug is good yes, and what i thought at first but went a whole year before i realized it was indeed too small, i would lose circulation from the knee down whenever i was in my suit. also dont forget to factor in a back and chest protector to fitment. i usually toss whatever back protector they "provide" in the suit and use my own. Plus, i believe once you move to at least I group (or A group i dont remember) they require a separate back protector, the one in the suit will not pass.
  17. some pics: jess made an appearance-- dad's DSLR:
  18. i know you have brian, im just saying get on an old beater 6 now and ride with me. of course you'd still beat my ass.
  19. well i actually had a good time today even with the rain. felt really comfortable again and was pretty much at 100% by around 7pm. management was OK. control riders were decent with the time they had to scramble together. only thing i didn't like was i had a control rider tap his tail when i was still warming up. i guess it would be hard to tell though with this format. i ended up passing him later on though so its all good. corner workers needed to be better (did we even have any???) rider down in the racing line at the keyhole and only a waving yellow? that didn't make any sense to me as to why they didn't red flag it... regardless it was was a little eye opening seeing him lying there as to how dangerous this really is. i believe i saw him walking out of the medic center so i assume he is ok. didn't get a chance to ride with flounder, almost rode with zorro but the guy was down in the keyhole so that was cut short. followed jess for a few laps and she looked very good, although im not sure she realized it was me.
  20. i mentioned that on the "what don't you like?" card i doubt it will get any response.
  21. get on a 6 and we'll see you'd still beat my ass though.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZkllM8znx4
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