Undue burdens my ass. The Bill of Rights also states that we have the right to bear arms and that it "shall not be infringed". Yet regulation after regulation has been imposed on it up to and including outright bans. The least of of these infringements are background checks, and identification to OWN one (specific example is IL FOID card). So there is specific speech saying the 2nd amendment shall not have "undue burdens" in less stringent words yet they are imposed. VOTING is a citizens right (and i believe duty) and all you have to do is prove you are a citizen? From the beginning of the county there has been identification of one form or another and it is not unreasonable for it to be law. You already have to register to vote, and are issued a SSN card when you are a citizen (born or otherwise), not my fault nor the governments fault that you lose it (or your birth certificate). Magz, your bs knows no bounds.