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Posts posted by Tomcat0403

  1. the least you could of done was said "hi", "i'm so and so from wherever" and that you were looking for a bike and hoping to come to some events and get to know people. We would be glad to hook you up with a bike...as i sent you a pm about one.

  2. what a coincidence had a Chicago Style hot dog right in Chicago from the


    Chicago street food at it's best.....yum.....

    Have to check out the cbus place....good info

    HOLY SHIT Portillos is the best hot dogs ever! i used to live in Chicago and I still have family and friends there. It is a must have every time I'm there. Also did you know that they will ship anywhere in the country???

  3. I bet the rider is thinking, "holy shit I flipped a f***ing car, and walked away for the most part"...honestly that is one for the record books.

    Just a thought...maybe, just maybe the driver turned to hard to avoid the bike and with the impact of the crash flipped the car? Even if the bike was going fast enough and the car took a direct hit i dont think the Bike would have enough force to do that without help. I think we all know what happens when a bike hits a car...i goes through it or into it, regardless of speed.

    I'm just grateful the rider isn't seriously injured or worse and same goes for the driver.

  4. I just have to say that the difference between one year of driving experience and three years of driving experience in general would make the difference. Granted, probably a new rider doing something stupid but lets hope a more experienced driver would have possibly paid more attention...all of this shit is based on, well nothing but my own thoughts from the info we have.

  5. ahhh. dammit too late, i have had both of the phones. My mom has the omnia and i have the storm. So i used hers for a week and hated it. The omnia is cool but the screen is too small, the access of the apps is difficult, and the phone isn't all that great. I have had Samsung phones for the majority of my wireless time and i love them, but the Omnia just doesn't do it for me at all. The storm is no longer a bad phone by any means. The current version of the software is great and is very smooth. Yes you do have to close the apps by going through the menu, but i find this a good feature because i can do other things while keeping the app open (ie listen to pandora while surfing the interwebz). I like the clicky screen and the camera has been updated to act a faster. Many people who hate the storm have either one, not upgraded the software, two keep tons of apps open all the time, or three dont clear thier cache out once a month or so. I find these things general maintence items and not a problem. Also, the blackberry desktop software is a nice feature to be able to sync to outlook or what have you and backup you phonebook and data files at anytime.

    Just my $.02

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