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Posts posted by Tomcat0403

  1. you know, i never heard people saying "elitist" until all the working class members of the media like bill oreilly or sean hannity started saying it. :rolleyes:

    my uncle went to iran for a month last year. said he had a great time. had no problems at all.

    maybe they went to iraq because they saw "mission accomplished" on the news, and hear people taking about how things are going great ???

    really....you have to start this...:popcorn:

  2. I bet they said something like the following before they left..."Wow, we have learned so much about the Middle East and we should go be ambassadors of peace! We alone can change the way people see americans over there! We aren't the aggressors, we aren't in the military, so why would anyone want to harm us? Knowledge is power!"


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