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Everything posted by Tomcat0403

  1. Welcome to the club! Nice looking bike
  2. wow...glad you are ok, well like you said it could have been worse
  3. (720): Girl last night got so wet when I was going on down her it flooded up my nose. I nearly drown (303): I'm at my inlaws playing Scrabble. Go Fuck Yourself.
  4. 570): If the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse gang banged each other and had a kid, it would look like the creature I woke up next to this morning.
  5. (615): drunk at some random house party. come get me. i thought i pulled my dick out to go piss... it was my left nut. im soaked. that takes talent (651): Last night while we were having sex, 'God bless the USA' started playing on his itunes. He came almost immediately... so awkward. and this guy is way to patriotic
  6. Hell i didnt even know this was going on. I'm in and hopefully no one will be pissed if i ride in my cammies. edit: shit i have to work....
  7. Here is the key for who honors what law i guess...http://www.handgunlaw.us/documents/USReciprocity.pdf Thanks for the terms IP, make a search much easier.
  8. Are there certain states where i can carry with my permit from Ohio already?
  9. really what happened because i did the same thing at work almost three months ago...did someone try to run you over too?
  10. Welcome and enjoy the site!
  11. Had a good time last night! I'll definitely be up next week too!
  12. hmmm this is going to be gay....Skye Shenandoah...wow
  13. i probably have drill....again! dammit why is it always on the drill days!
  14. I'm definitely going to show up tonight! Haven't been to one yet so i'll be there after work (8pm)
  15. I was bored out of my mind! the interwebz isn't very interesting w/o OR
  16. that's from call of duty 4....but they are awesome weapons
  17. what do you do that your pens get ganked?
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