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Everything posted by Tomcat0403

  1. I'm going to listen to the radio interview later on today after i get off of work, I guess it has his father and more info on what he did, link is at the bottom of the page
  2. http://www.blackfive.net/main/2009/07/sfc-jared-monti-medal-of-honor-afghanistan.html
  3. The one that was at the shop was black with the gold wheels, looked pretty sick, but red is a color that i really can't pass up if given the choice
  4. We had a 2004 VTR100R Superhawk in the shop a few weeks ago and i think fell in love... I was curious as to who has ridden one and what they thought of it. This would be my second bike if i bought one and it would definitely be down the road if i got one. I just loved the comfort level and the v-twin power.
  5. I like the undertail and the on the side fairing the best...i would try the side, facing forward too but i like the low angle
  6. Semper Fi to this Army Sargent, he deserves it. Men like this are the ones who embody the saying "my brother's Keeper" http://www.military.com/news/article/gi-to-get-moh-for-valor-in-afghanistan.html?col=1186032325324&ESRC=dod.nl
  7. i watched some stuff on this earlier today and i guess they were all college grads with majors in Arabic and one was "peace and conflict studies"...lmao Morons the lot of them
  8. Happy Birthday Mang!!!
  9. I was thinking about that area cause your place is really nice but it is too far away from campus and my work...but its a possibility
  10. thanks for that yota i have to go bring the bikes in now!!!!!!!!!!! shit gonna rain!
  11. the least you could of done was said "hi", "i'm so and so from wherever" and that you were looking for a bike and hoping to come to some events and get to know people. We would be glad to hook you up with a bike...as i sent you a pm about one.
  12. her pic scared me when i pulled up the page
  13. HOLY SHIT Portillos is the best hot dogs ever! i used to live in Chicago and I still have family and friends there. It is a must have every time I'm there. Also did you know that they will ship anywhere in the country???
  14. i think she found what i found, and it's more of a blumpkin pie....it's really disgusting...
  15. I bet the rider is thinking, "holy shit I flipped a f***ing car, and walked away for the most part"...honestly that is one for the record books. Just a thought...maybe, just maybe the driver turned to hard to avoid the bike and with the impact of the crash flipped the car? Even if the bike was going fast enough and the car took a direct hit i dont think the Bike would have enough force to do that without help. I think we all know what happens when a bike hits a car...i goes through it or into it, regardless of speed. I'm just grateful the rider isn't seriously injured or worse and same goes for the driver.
  16. i think i will try to go out whatever the weather
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