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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. lol... i cant get enough of you guys ;)

    i acidentally left it on my page, so im just now putting it on your page to see. haha

  2. cbrzach- we can meet up if you want to take something.. i'll haul it in the car with me. mike- bike not ready yet? why would you drive?
  3. i know! i was gonna tell ya you should have stopped by, but i was out of town.lol. so i didn't
  4. ninjachk08


    like you have room to talk..you have a myspace! dork
  5. no!! ah man, i hate to hear this GL with everything.
  6. i know alot bout football. lol. not what i was meaning..
  7. i made a thread in the group ;)

  8. I got my 1st football jersey EVER! ....AND....(drum roll) it's STEELERS! lol. my friend bought it for a bunch of friends cuz he got them cheap. it's a home jersey. #39 Willie Parker. lol.. ok, so idk much.. i'm learning.. but i do know that he's 1st string RB. ..thats cuz he told me that.. but, i'll be rootin for them this coming season! they've prob always been better than the bengals, but i'm just now gettin it through my head. lol.
  9. lawn ornament.. it never was! i rode. just didnt make it down to cincy. anyway, its gone.
  10. you gonna have your bike runnin this year??

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