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Everything posted by cattmouch33

  1. cattmouch33

    No caption

    From the album: Bike

  2. From the album: Bike

  3. cattmouch33

    No caption

    From the album: Bike

  4. cattmouch33

    No caption

    From the album: Bike

  5. cattmouch33

    No caption

    From the album: Bike

  6. That's why we opted to not go for the catholic wedding. I'm not catholic and all the crap you have to go through just to get married even Jordan suck F*ck it.
  7. screw phone lines go T3 or if your loaded OC3
  8. That sounds like a plan. What the heck is pre-cana
  9. cattmouch33


    not nearly as bright as those leds though.
  10. cattmouch33


    I still use my brothers marine corp flash light. It got throw against the wall once and nothing broke not even the bulb.
  11. life after people is a good thought provoking show. And Y2K was a devastating blow to everyone.
  12. cattmouch33


    not everything has to contain bewbs.....but it certainly can't hurt and might actually help things.
  13. Sounds like it's coming along well. Brad has your dog pissed on everything yet? Jarvis do you have anytime this weekend to resolder the cap on the board? I had sound for a couple of days but it went back out. Do you want me to bring the head unit and speaker along with the sub this time?
  14. Hey some people just love purse dogs. How's everyone's crazy life goin?
  15. I only put about 2500 this year. I can't wait for spring though. I couldn't ride the bike til after I was married. So that from july to november first year really getting into it.
  16. no chute just the wings. why you wanna see how far a human can skip.
  17. At least half the members here get paid to surf at work if not more.
  18. sorry can't come don't have my barret yet....it would be interesting to watch though.
  19. that's talent, sorry Kid know you tried hard.
  20. There something to a nice deep sound or a v-twin or even the yami but the screaming motor of a 600 still gets my vote.
  21. cattmouch33

    The quadski

    good to know. So I fly in a harrier and hover over someone's house and it's not trespassing.
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