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Everything posted by cattmouch33

  1. are we gonna meet up this week sometime???? My weekends are shot for the next 2 weekends
  2. holy piss it's humid today, out for an hr and I'm drenched.
  3. I have never ever been stopped by a dayton cop...ever. Been speeding past them, have no front license plate, seems like they have other things to do. I normally crack the visor when slow moving, I think it's rare they will pull you over for the visor up unless they're looking for something else.
  4. wtf happened and how'd they fix it like that.
  5. rain blows!!!!!!!!!!!!! when's the next ride
  6. wow so many bicycles looked like fun. A least no biker was harmed in the making of this film.
  7. thursday looks shot for this week, maybe change the day for a couple weeks.
  8. only saw two cops the whole ride and that was after I was done and heading back to dayton. Barely anything went through eaton, mostly south of that. Thursday was picked last year cuz it worked for a lot of people. Don't you still work 2nd shift on fridays.
  9. germantown, oxford, eaton, gratis. Nice little 85 mile ride, getting down there kinda sucks but it was a lot of fun. I just need to memorize and then take Brad or Dustin down so they could lead a ride if we ever go that route. I don't think my skills are quite up to par to lead a ride.
  10. So I went for the first nice long ride of this year. It was a great 5hrs not too fast, had to stop and keep checking my route. Finally rode most of the route that I telling you guys about last year. It has some really great roads, just have to adjust it a little bit.....one of the roads wasn't paved. Other than that just have to memorize it. couple of pics Shouldn't be on this road
  11. use bleach or boiling water next time. Or hold in down with tweezers and take off the legs.....wait that's mean n/m. Just squash it. Looks nice today, had fun cutting down a tree in the front yard with out it falling down on my house. My swing by tonight, but there's lots of cleaning to do here, the mother and father in law are staying here tomorrow and my wife is freaking out.
  12. I think we still keep our random posting in this thread regardless of what day we actually ride this year.
  13. not all my time, I just do that when I take breaks. I've been working on my house when I'm not doing landscape work for some people on the side. Plus calling people people and looking for a job on the net sucks. Sunday's I don' even get out of church till 11:30 so going on those rides is hard at best. Once I have a job again hopefully it'll be back to normal.
  14. yeah but rain always has to start off the late spring early summer
  15. As went to get the bike out of the garage the skies opened up and poured. I'm going riding tomorrow dammit.
  16. Trying to get a group ride together this thursday, check out the thursdays in dayton social group. maybe we should end the ride and eat at marion's
  17. be nice to get together again, you can bring out your lady friend I can eat jarvis's leftovers and jarvis can make snide remarks to the waitress
  18. So weather looks ok and I was wondering if we can get together and actually have a thursday group ride? I'd like to get out and go on a ride, it feels like I haven't been out in forever. Who's in.......you know you wanna come
  19. looks like a nice day but I'll have family staying at my place I might ride tuesday or wednesday though. Have fun if you actually get together to ride.
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