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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I worked for the company that molds the hand guards for the M4.
  2. http://science.howstuffworks.com/transport/engines-equipment/radial-engine3.htm
  3. need a new plate for ember in september, was thinking about getting this..
  4. maybe he will today, then he will see this thread and an overwhelming sense of joy and happiness will flood his senses...
  5. Iirc, Harley engines are just radial engines with some cylinders missing, 16 or 17 hp per cylinder seems about right, lol
  6. Our sign on the old engineering building, "engineering, because business is just too hard"... Congrats dude, good luck
  7. I'm still rocking the Joe rocket rocket nation jacket i bought when i bought my bike...5 seasons and still going strong.
  8. I've found great deals on discontinued tires in the past. I used to love pirelli diablo stradas, but when they discontinued them, my last couple were really cheap cause dealers just wanted to clear their inventory.
  9. Major bummer dude.. Here's hoping you heal up quick.
  10. Trusting the leader is important, too. But i like to leave them enough room that if they were to wipe out on a corner, i would see and be able to stop out adjust course in plenty of time.
  11. But that person isn't attracted to everyone of their gender, probably not even half, you still haven't given me a reasonable solution to the problem you've cooked up. What do you want done? Men who are openly gay to get their own showers? Women who are openly lesbian to get their own showers? (now we've got 4 seperate showering areas) What about bisexuals? What about people who aren't sure? Which bathroom/shower should they use? And how do you test for that? What about transgenders? Do they use the shower of their equipment or the shower of their chromosomes? If you're suggesting that all of these different groups need to be identified and forced to use a particular shower or bathroom, I think it would be easier just to say, everyone take your own shower.
  12. Shinko is one of those "polarizing" brands, people either love them or hate them. I know people that swear by them, but I've personally never tried a set. I would definitely stay away from chen shin though...those things were horrible.
  13. You hit the nail on the head.
  14. Likewise, the president also has fanboys and nutswingers who refuse to aknowledge any actual failure, misstep, or mistake and retain the belief that this president is their god's infallible gift to the known universe.
  15. The point is that it doesn't matter what the president does or doesn't do, he has critics that will use any and all percieved lapses in judgement, no matter how miniscule, minute, or insignificant as collective evidence of a fundamental character flaw that they can't wait to expose to the world.
  16. I'm just trying to get to what your point is...or moreover what you believe a reasonable solution would be to a problem you've cooked up in your head.
  17. What makes you think you're his type? inappropriate sexual advances are inappropriate regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Quit taking your clothes off in front of strangers for a start. Maybe with a 700 billion dollar budget, the military could afford some shower doors...
  18. Would you be any less oggled or eye fucked if he were a closet gay, and found you attractive?
  19. I avoid public bathrooms when at all possible, and when I use them I avoid contact of any kind with the other people in the public bathroom. If you don't want people seeing you naked, stop showering in front of people.... seems simple enough. It's not as if showers are the only place to get stared at, oggled, or eye fucked. By and large woment recieve unwanted attention from men everywhere.
  20. Then what the hell was your point? Because I think I missed it. Maybe the idea of "public showers" is a stupid one in the first place...
  21. You said you have no problem with people who "choose" to be gay. Do you have a choice regarding who you're attracted to?
  22. when you're right you're right, but i haven't made any excuses nor any donations yet...let's see what happens together, shall we?
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