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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I seen this thing a couple years ago, would be awesome if it were inexpensive, and included a "self dimming" option for night time use.
  2. I'll pop in a set of plugs if I know I'll be on the bike for more than an hour at a time... otherwise I just go without.
  3. QFT... Skills test is a walk in the park compared to the shit you will have to deal with on the road... if you can't pass it on whatever rig you'll be riding every day, you need more practice anyway.
  4. Maybe, but the point is that you can do that... replace a motherboard, stuff in larger ram chips, overclock and add liquid cooling, something new comes along every 6 months... so you can continue to improve your experience if you're hardcore into gaming... the console is what it is... sure you could mod it, or whatever, but your options are severely limited vs a PC where you could build a significantly faster one every 6 months if you like.
  5. Why do I have to select my gender twice in the profile section??? was I not sure the first time?
  6. Right, but the console is pretty much stuck as it was built (now 8 years old) A pc you can upgrade and make major improvements every year at least, sometimes sooner. if you're a "hardcore" gamer, PC is the way to go, get a nice high end desktop, and 99% of the games that come out on a console also come out on PC. you can use controllers or mouse and keyboard. You can get a hand full of high end monitors for some serious surround vision, or just HDMI it to your big screen, and go. if you're just a casual gamer, a console isn't a bad way to go since it doubles up as a media center and is pretty cheap compared to building or buying a serious gaming rig.
  7. My question is what did you do to cause the officer to go through the trouble of running your plate? Speed? Improper lane change? Failure to signal? Appearance of loss of control? Officers dont typically run every MC plate they come across, You probably did something to draw his attention.
  8. I wasn't being serious..
  9. I'm "so sick" of them lol
  10. Definitely not on par with Amy Lee. But "in this moment" has some decent songs.
  11. I don't think you annoyed anyone, we were all newbies once. We just want you to be safe and enjoy the hobby we've all come to enjoy.
  12. I say no problem, you're welcome, you got it, it's cool, anytime, Oh yeah or any other response I feel is appropriate given the circumstances... A more traditional "you're welcome" is probably a safer bet in a more formal relationship, but I've never seen a problem with any of them.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6M2qr8zWOc
  14. Temps only require written test. (which you have) Endorsement (aka full license) requires permit and skills test... so you can't just "skip" the permit, you need it to get your endorsement. Waiting 6 months wasn't part of the deal unless you are under age 16 IIRC. But I've ridden outside of permit restrictions (freeway) when I was a noob, and as long as they have no reason to pull you over, then it's smooth sailing.
  15. I got to a green light as one was coming through from my right just this past saturday. I stopped at the light and waited, the people who came up behind me were blasting their horns, and a few actually passed me at the intersection and got mixed into the precession traffic.... guess they had things to do and people to see Once the last vehicle with a flag came through, I had a green light again, and proceeded along my way.
  16. Ronald, george, george, Barack. Might be on to something there...
  17. Great news, I'm donating, just gotta get a paycheck
  18. Yes, part of the joke. I also have a stereo on my motorcycle, one of the many things I'm known for... Otherwise it would just be LBOWS
  19. No i worked for a company that molded fiberglass reinforced composites, just happened to be the case that one of those parts that I was responsible for inspecting for gloss and dimensional stability went on a gun eventually. Also,i don't work there any longer.
  20. Was thinking of getting LBOSE as my next bike plate
  21. I gotta bring in my elbows a little...but when I do I can see fine.
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