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Everything posted by magley64

  1. our best ones were the ones at buddys (though technically a DTC party more than an ORDN party) those got shut down... The pig iron ones still happen (last i knew) though Ashley doesn't run the place anymore, Jagr still had some connections there. Though I haven't seen him on in a while either. there was also one a couple years ago at somebody's house that I believe was set up by yota, all I remember from that night was moose smashing the hell out of some boards, and a bunch of people almost wrecking a dirt bike...good times.
  2. sorry, wrong screen name for whatever reason I was thinking of ninjadoc. Pig iron, right? you probably have the firearms, politics, and R&R forums unsubscribed, go to usercp and turn those on then the threads should show up.
  3. There is definitely something to that effect. Many people believed I was out of line, and perhaps they were right. I'm not going to say anything now that changes anyone's mind about it, so we'll just say that had I to do it over again, I'd probably have rather just avoided comment and let that whole thread go.
  4. No joke intended, it's a relatively light cruiser, easy handling, plenty of torque... Should be a walk in the park.
  5. Swingset hated me before it was cool...
  6. I'd hardly consider my reaction "giddy"... but to answer the question... I've gotten repped by several members here regarding several different topics. Many people were "put off" by some of my comments in gun threads, including some I consider good friends. (even to this day) There are a few I believe honestly hate me (which is weird for someone you've only interacted with on a message board). here is a sample, I've removed the names and some details so the few that really have a hard on for me won't be able to take it out on those I still consider friends.
  7. No worries, it'll be a cake walk on a 883.
  8. Fastenal, they got stores all over
  9. magley64

    Close call

    You'd have been fine either way, it's already on the ground, and your tires are rubber, your bike would have carried none of the current.... just would have been like a tiny speed bump.
  10. So how hard is it to pass a skills test? Weave some cones, use your brakes properly and turn a little better than a mack truck and you're golden. It sucks but now that you've already paid for the part that costs money, the skills test is a walk in the park...
  11. I do happen to have a dear friend who rides one. I don't recall ever seeing this friend without a shirt on...so they may or may not have a chiseled chest...
  12. I think you're severely overblowing my position on Honda. My bike is a wonderful machine. I enjoy it every time I get the opportunity to throw a leg over the saddle. It's built great, and requires very little maintenance beyond oil and tires. It runs great, and has never left me stranded. I find it visually appealing, and it brings a smile to my face to see it after a fresh wash and shine. That said, I don't worship it in any way, I don't worship anything else for that matter. I certainly don't worship the company that manufactured it. I am familiar with most of the motorcycles the company produces and sells on the american market, I'm also familiar with many of the motorcycles other companies manufacture and sell on the american market...
  13. Say what you want, she does everything I've ever asked... But as a Honda guy, knowing about a thundercat when a Yamaha guy has no clue what I was talking about, even in context? Come on man...srsly?
  14. And you're a yamaha guy...
  15. Right, but the xx wasn't named for the wild winged animal either, it was named for the SR-71, which to this day holds speed records. One of my favorite anecdotes is the SR-71 standard procedure for being fired on by a surface to air missile... no defenses needed, just speed up, it will never catch you.
  16. Excellent, now you've heard of a Thundercat, your life is complete...
  17. Not so much an acronym, more of an abbreviation or a nickname, and it was posted in context where it was relatively easy to discern...imo
  18. In the YZF ownership community it's short for "YZF600R Thundercat" like in the CBR1100XX community "XX" or "Bird" is short for "CBR1100XX Super Blackbird" "Busa" "Connie" "STeed" "Viffer" "Gixxer" "Wing" "Strom" just a few examples...
  19. If you already have a cat, maybe crashed, and needed parts... it might be worth half that.
  20. I didn't blame the guns, I just called them what they are: weapons, designed to quickly and efficiently mortally wound and/or kill anyone or anything at the business end of them. How various meds affected the shooters state of mind, I don't know.
  21. Ahh yes, the "good ol days" Used to be if someone had an illness you just applied some leeches, sickness cured....
  22. I'm too far away, but I can bond metals effectively with an electric arc.
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