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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Just because you want my views to be part of your lovely straw man "evilibral" doesn't mean they are, sorry to disappoint.
  2. If in regards to the climate change comment: Are you a climate scientist? Cause I'm not. I tend to trust the expertise of scientists the way I trust the expertise of a doctor, however in this case there is only so much data to be analyzed. The planet is quite a bit older than the human race, and has a cycle in such a scope as we have been unable to measure. I tend to believe them, but then I don't really have anything invested in it either way. If in regards to the "respect" line, I can respect your rights, even if I personally believe your views are wrong or even harmful. I respect your right to be whatever religion you are, but I don't respect your religion, get it?
  3. Drug laws are bullshit. If you want to put something in your own body that alters your state of mind, you should be free to do that as long as there is no danger to the public. (Dui, high while operating heavy machinery, etc)
  4. I'm familiar with it, and while they do have some clever musings, their positions on government to government charity are rather dissuading to me, as are many of their other positions... still not a fit for me...
  5. If you can find a more accurate depiction of my views, please feel free. I've been looking at the modern whig party...but my views don't exactly jive with a lot of their views either.
  6. That's the thing, I'm not "only" libertarian... that's just the closest approximation of the majority of my political views. I'm a person, I listen to different viewpoints, let them swirl around in my head, then figure out what positions I agree with.
  7. No, I still vote to support people's rights. I still think the government should get out of the charity business to foreign countries, stop with all the bullshit wars. Stop telling people what they are or are not allowed to put into their own bodies. Leave other countries to deal with their own shit... etc... All libertarian views. Your 80% friend isn't your 20% enemy.
  8. all abrahamic religions are just as bad as any other...
  9. What? I'm not allowed to change my opinion on a subject? I voted for GWB Twice... I used to be a republican... but that was before the republican party went batshit crazy.
  10. state 8 has some stuff down in peninsula
  11. http://video.msnbc.msn.com/the-rachel-maddow-show/51500271 from 2 minutes to about 9 minutes is the clip that informed me that this was happening in Louisiana.
  12. read the story I posted at the beginning of this thread... cliffnotes version: Convicted felon - Check Driving - Check Pulled over - Check S&W, and Ak47 found in vehicle - Check Arrested - Check New louisiana amendment (written by the nra) is found to override ban on felons owning and possesing guns - check Judge dismisses case, felon goes free - check and check
  13. Since when is a convicted felon a "law abiding citizen"...
  14. The constitution can be amended, just look at the 18th and 21st amendment for evidence. Also why doesn't the second amendment apply to surface to air missiles, or rpgs? Now answer the question, why have any laws at all? Criminals don't obey laws, any laws, so let's just repeal them all. Criminals don't obey embezzling laws, why shouldn't I get the same opportunity they get for money? I should have the right to embezzle from embezzlers, that's only fair.
  15. If criminals don't obey the law, fuck it, why have any laws at all? Why is that defense only used for gun laws? It's not a valid defense, it's bullshit. If criminals break the law, we have law enforcement officers cite them or arrest them for their crimes. Prevention makes sense, that's why it's not only illegal to blow up a plane, it's also illegal to bring a bomb onto a plane.
  16. Where is the car you built? You guys can criticize all you like, but until you show me you can build something better, you're just hating.
  17. Don't want it, don't buy it...i make no false claims whenever i sell anything. Where is the car you built from scratch?
  18. It's functional... What else matters? Besides, you won't see any of that once the carpeting is in.
  19. "Respect" in regard to the law, not personally. Since you asked, global warming isn't something I have a definitive view on. Whether human actions have a meaningful effect on global temperatures doesn't matter to me either way. I'll be dead before it has a "catastrophic" effect, and if our effect is minimal, or inconsequential, then it doesn't matter to anyone.
  20. So if mother jones reports a brick through a window, there were neither a brick nor a window? My political beliefs align where I want them to... balancing the good of the community with the cost, and still respecting individual liberties whether I personally agree with them or not.
  21. So in your book, automatically, everything I personally don't like I have to also vote to ban? Pretty fucking narrow minded, don't you think? I can't support other people's legal right to smoke because I personally never plan to smoke? Seriously?
  22. So because the source happens to have democratic affiliation, the facts of the case are in dispute? Libertarian doesn't mean "republican tea bagger" it means I'm for preserving personal liberty, even if it's for something I personally disagree with or personally want no part of.
  23. no, nobody has ever committed vandalism because of political disputes... that's totally unheard of...impossible. http://m.motherjones.com/mojo/2011/01/giffordss-office-was-vandalized-followers-former-militia-leader
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