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Everything posted by magley64

  1. welcome riding tips... take the MSF course... stay alert and aware... expect stupidity from others on the road... ride at your own pace. ORDN tips... Don't mind the leg humpers, be aware of the high level of snark, and don't take things too seriously.
  2. Even if you're right about how a soldier would react... are you unarmed? If the government came to move you from your home or relieve you of items deemed violent instruments of war, would you be non-combative?
  3. watch the scooter Jbot, they get stolen extremely often.
  4. he just got moved to hawaii... so I won't be seeing him for a while
  5. can you give me any explanation as to why you're a tinfoil hat brigade member for all of the wings of government aside from the one with all the weapons?
  6. I'd like to believe he'd make an exception for family members... but then again, who knows? I still don't get the disconnect... "I don't trust the government, except for that one unelected wing of the government with all the deadly weapons. I completely trust those guys":confused:
  7. Isolated? http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/21/us-army-kill-team-afghanistan-posed-pictures-murdered-civilians http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maywand_District_killings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kandahar_massacre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haditha_killings I could literally go on and on and on and on... Isolated... keep telling yourself that
  8. Agree, but I'm not completely without knowledge on the subject. The "have you served" question was a way of telling me that I don't have sufficient knowledge to discuss such matters. Even though I've provided evidence that military personnel have and will fire on civilians of this country and other countries, armed or unarmed, even without orders, but especially under orders. Now we can talk about whether that order will ever come... which I doubt... but what I don't doubt is whether it would be followed. Without question, and with complete US military precision...
  9. you shouldn't stop doing anything that fulfills your life... I ride a motorcycle regardless of the risks, because it fulfills my life.
  10. It's not? Please enlighten me... I'm not familiar with your warm and fuzzy military of equals so let's start a committee and talk about how/when/ or even whether this order should be followed. They must not have article 92
  11. Yep, he would definitely eliminate any military target to which he was ordered. He's very effective, and very determined. Any town in iraq, any town in afghanistan, any town in germany, your hometown, my hometown, if there is a military target there, and he gets ordered to eliminate it...it's gone.
  12. On the contrary, I give them enormous credit. They are the most lethal and effective military force on the planet... bar none. Individual soldiers are not there to make decisions about whether an order is to be followed or not...they follow orders, that's what makes them effective.
  13. Nope, I'm not a killer, I'm not a soldier, and I'm not all that keen on following orders. But, my dad went to paris island, my cousin has been in the army for 10 years now, one of my best friends was navy for 8 years... I've got a pretty good grip on what the score is.
  14. That's my point, when a military member looks down the sight, they don't see a friend or a family member, they don't see a living breathing human being with hopes and dreams and aspirations, they see a "target" to be eliminated.(period) If you think that a member of the military would refrain from firing on a military target because he got all warm and emotional all of a sudden, you're the one who is delusional.
  15. Hardly, 2000 casualties in over 10 years, more people die every year from falling alseep and drowning in their soup bowls Yes, ABSOLUTELY and without a doubt. I don't even think they need to be ordered to. A serviceman would absolutely fire on a citizen, an unarmed citizen, let alone a citizen brandishing a firearm...let alone under orders to do so... evidence? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings BTW I am utterly flabbergasted that you have SUCH distrust for the government (officials elected by the people) Yet so much trust in the military (random people who signed up to be soldiers as their desired profession).
  16. sure, this thread, a little bit of trolling, but it's a larger point I really do agree with. Guns have the capacity to make a simple misunderstanding into a tragedy.
  17. Maybe 30 years ago... now with the precision our military has with the technology embedded in missiles and bombers... no country in the world would invade us "straight up" which is why the tiny groups that do hate us use very small tactical attacks, and mostly on civilians. No country is going toe to toe with the united states, even if no civilians were carrying guns. This line of thought ALWAYS cracks me up... let's say just for the sake of argument that the government decided you reimbrandt, specifically, were a threat to them. And let's say that they unilaterally decided to eliminate that threat... Do you think it would be that they come to your house and announce, "we are here to eliminate you, please prepare for a firefight" then wait for you to draw your weapon? Wouldn't it be easier to just hit your house with a small bomb and declare that it was a gas leak. or if they wanted to make it personal, show up to your house with a tactical team while you sleep? how much of a threat does your little pistol REALLY have against the most powerful military on the planet? seriously
  18. Well, as with others I doubt the ruling will prohibit reselling of foreign goods, but that could be a boom for the american economy if it did... only "Made in USA" stuff would be valuable in resale.
  19. By and large, crime is pretty rare, violent crime is even more rare...exceptions taken for station avenue, and a couple of the more densely populated areas in conneaut... On the rare occasion you find a story of someone killed in the newspaper, 9 out of 10 times it was the spouse, and the 10th was a drug deal gone bad. If you don't deal drugs, and you manage to keep your husband/wife from killing you you're pretty safe. You might have to fear being robbed once in a while, but they are mostly just kids stealing stuff while nobody is home...
  20. Another way of putting this... Guns turn a life or death decision into a split second decision made with very little physical effort on the part of the person holding one. Human beings aren't all that good at split second decisions, especially when under duress or when one does not have all of the facts. Many of you have stated that you would have no issue shooting a stranger if you felt your safety was at risk, and clearly this person felt the same way, given the course of events. However, it turned out that what he thought at the time was a stranger intending him harm, was actually a loved one, his own child. I really feel for those of you who don't feel safe enough in your daily lives that you need the split second power to end a life strapped to your hip at every second of every day. I hope each of your individual worlds get safer, so that someday you'll have the confidence to face life without them.
  21. Mutt No Cancer Race, Religion, Astro sign
  22. I can support your right without supporting your choice... do you wear a helmet? Just because you personally think wearing a helmet is a better idea than riding without one, does that mean you want helmets mandated? No. Same thing... You have every right to carry a gun, you have every right to ride without a helmet, you should have every right to smoke weed, shoot up meth, or eat psychedelic mushrooms if you want. I support your right to do anything at all that makes you happy as long as it doesn't effect the well being of others.
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