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Everything posted by magley64

  1. gotta say it all makes sense now.... I'm with UP, burn it!
  2. magley64


    welcome.... just a thought, doesn't California have it's own motorcycle-centric websites? We aren't exclusionary against people who live out of state or anything though. edit: on second thought, take your spam and go away!
  3. COME N GIT YER MITT RMONEY FLIP FLOPS!!!! http://news.yahoo.com/romney-says-completely-wrong-47-percent-comments-050305729--abc-news-politics.html Day1: I said it, I stand behind it. Days 2-9: Maybe it wasn't elegantly worded... but I still stand behind it Day 10: I was completely wrong, and I'm sorry. Day 11: ????
  4. rwd + snowy roads are my fave... I need to get another good winter car like my old 67 pontiac.
  5. I believe the auto loans have all been paid back, with interest... I opposed 1 part of the healthcare plan, but i support most of it, and as it's been implemented, it's popularity has increased... troops in iraq isn't equal to a war in iraq...
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/us-jobless-rate-falls-7-8-pct-44-123110986--finance.html Now what does Rmoney have? "oh, but it's not really....errr...I mean... it... it should be better...." sorry boss, growing a stable economy from the greatest freefall bubble bust of our time takes some time to grow... and it continues to grow. now you could put in place policy that gives us another boom/bust cycle, but who does that help? (rich people)
  7. No, I want a clear specific plan from the guy who claims he can do things better than the guy who already rescued the american auto industry, passed healthcare reform, ended the war in iraq, and instituted finance reform. The guy who has the job now already gave us his clear plan 4 YEARS AGO, and that plan turned around a second great depression. He has a record to run on, he has 4 years of job experience already. If you want me to change carriers you had better give me some clear incentive other than "we think we might be able to save you some money". otherwise I'd have switched from verizon to boost mobile already. BTW "bipartisan" is a stupid word, not all parties are equally valid...
  8. So you're never using a product again because you neglectfully misused it? It's flammable (says so right on the can) and you decided to hose down a live circuit with it.... Gasoline is a pretty good solvent, I bet that would get your computer really clean. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CLEAN YOUR COMPUTER WITH GASOLINE
  9. and that is a great political motivator...not necessarily the ACTUAL chain of events.
  10. They may change carriers, but my point is that they won't be dropping their employees coverage. They will continue to offer their employees health insurance benefits. Rod's claim seemed to be that if obamacare goes full effect, every company will just drop their coverage and we as individuals will be forced to buy insurance from the government.
  11. no more insurance for anyone... Exaggerate much? I guarantee you my company will not revoke it's company insurance... 10,000 dollar bet?
  12. Once the law goes into full effect, they will go down..
  13. What specific legislation that was proposed by Obama, and passed is a failure? And before you jump on "obamacare" it's not even in full effect yet, and healthcare costs have already gone up slower than they have in a decade...
  14. taxes? http://www.barackobama.com/taxes?source=primary-nav
  15. DO you know why I like obama 10X better than Romney, Obama isn't trying to dig into my pockets, and his plan actually adds up... now I'm voting for Ron Paul, but that's my conscience.
  16. Obama: end wars, cut defense spending, increase taxes on the wealthy...and badda bing badda boom, you have a surplus, and you can start paying down the deficit...as president Clinton did. Rmoney: Cut taxes across the board (heavily weighted towards the wealthy), remove deductions for poor people, spend WAY more money on the military, start another war or 2 or 10 (china, north korea, libya, egypt, etc) and, and all the money we "generate" from war mongering will solve our problems. yeah, that's great
  17. All plans are not created equal... I want the plan laid out like Hannibal from the A-team... this at this moment, then you ride in and do that, then he sets off some distraction, we build a tank out of a car, and at the end, the bad guys are running. Romney's plan seems more like Ray from Ghostbusters when they meet Zool... "get her" great plan Ray
  18. I havent seen anything out of romney's camp other than ryan's budget, please show me where his actual plan is posted. Apparently you've fallen for the etch a sketch, because the positions he was taking last night were in stark contrast to positions he took in the primary debates. Where are these details?please, if you can find ANYWHERE exactly what deductions and loopholes mitt romney plans to tackle, I would GENUINELY love to see them.
  19. ohh, he did say he was going to cut PBS... that makes the math work... Let's see..... cutting what part of this pie chart would put the biggest dent in our deficit? The one place romney said that he would not cut, but increase spending...
  20. no hugs, I can get hugs from anyone.... I need this f*cking math explained to me because clearly I don't see how 15 trillion+8 trillion= less than 15trillion
  21. So Romney flopped on his tax plan, then flipped on his healthcare plan, Flopped on his financial reform, and didn't explain at all how he was going to do anything... Basically he told everyone he was going to keep the parts of Obamacare that are popular, but get rid of the bits that aren't. Lower taxes for everyone without cutting services or benefits, without blowing up the defecit, and still spending 2 trillion more on defense spending...I guess he plans on spending his own money? How is spending 2 trillion more, and lowering taxes "revenue neutral" and how is "revenue neutral" cutting the deficit? Keep the parts of finance reform that are popular, without explaining how he would pay for it. I think he believes he can somehow conjure money out of thin air.
  22. If by "owned" you mean he told the american people that 15+8=15 then yes, he did a great job of that. Great "zinger"
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