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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I'm not a 14 yr old girl... diabetic or not but saying that one person can handle a ton of caffeine, so everyone can, is a little absurd. if she were an adult, I'd say you all hit the nail on the head...and the lawsuit is a no-go... but there are too many variables... The product certainly isn't advertized as a dangerous substance. I'm not even saying the manufacturer is at fault, I'm just saying that depending on where she got it, and who was aware of what dangers, her parents might have a case. I bet that monster makes their warnings more stern in the future, either way.
  2. You= Adult...Man...Fit Her= Young...girl...developing apples =/= oranges I can eat 5 bags of fruit snacks, 5 cans of cherry pepsi, and eat 5 tablespoons of pure granulated sugar in the course of an hour... that same amount of sugar would put my diabetic girlfriend into the hospital...
  3. Did the coroner have some skin in the game? If it was overdose of caffeine, then the parents might have a case against someone. I suppose it would depend on where she bought it. The wording "not recommended" isn't exactly a stern warning. I suppose the outcome will depend on the details. I wouldn't call this "frivolous" just based on what I've read so far. red bull> monster
  4. With the housing crash, everyone is looking for places to rent, recently sales have started to level off and even come up a little. There are still WAY more renters than buyers out there, so finding good tennants wouldn't be all that difficult. my vote is rent it, wait for the market to rebound.
  5. http://autos.yahoo.com/news/koenigsegg-s-horizontal-roller-coaster.html
  6. if you're into covered bridges, get up to ashtabula county... we've got a bunch of them.
  7. i agree with that sentiment, but i thought you were on the other side of that fence... (can't fix a broken system from the inside)
  8. looks a lil lopsided... glws
  9. you should join forces with Bad324
  10. Make sure funds clear first... Once the bike is on the truck, and the title is open, it's his bike. my dad sold his 78 cb750 this way. Guy sent the money, we had the funds verified and cleared through the bank. The truck showed up, we loaded the bike on the truck, and the driver strapped it down and took it from there.
  11. Nope' date=' Writing him in. If by "trump" you mean takes the complete opposite position then yes... Johnson is certainly a better option, but if I'm just "throwing my vote away" anyway, why compromise? Why not just vote for the guy I think would do the job best? You are correct about your assertions regarding who is on the ballot.
  12. http://core.talkingpointsmemo.com/election/scoreboard Not only does Rmoney need to sweep all of the yellows, he needs to flip at least one of the blues... I'm still voting for paul...
  13. in that case, start scouring ebay or craigslist. cannon is the old standby for dslr You might contact scottb, his wife kelly is a photographer, and might have some professional grade stuff she's not using anymore.
  14. any of the quality DSLR's I've seen were more like 800... you can get a pretty nice P&S for around 3 though. more information http://reviews.cnet.com/dslr-buying-guide/
  15. magley64

    first gun

    If something is worth doing, it's worth overdoing...right?
  16. magley64

    first gun

    Desert eagle .50 /thread
  17. i'll rephrase... what advantage would it have given him to lie about it? (assuming he knew it was pre-planned when he addressed the people) to what end would lying help his case? look again... our deficit has been steadily declining since 09 and that is what the 2 party has you convinced of.... I'm voting for ron paul... The president is a distant 3rd choice for me, but I don't listen to the continuous spin machine from hannity as a factual account of what is really happening. The united states government is not a business... it should not strive as businesses do, only to make a profit.
  18. he's makin' fun of meee.... boo hoo
  19. It's not like kicking a pair of crutches from under a cripple... it's just a funny way of pointing out how flip floppy his opponent is. Sanctimonious much? Maybe you should develop a sense of humor.
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