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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Sounds like ashtabula racing... Guys (almost always guys) who are infatuated with their cars (no matter how lame) trespassing in random parking lots nights and weekends... shooting the breeze, cranking their stereos, and revving the everliving piss out of their engines. Trash talking on line, and then there is the occasional street race.
  2. your block should be fine...your extremeties, not so much.
  3. Now for the important point... McCain/Palin would have done a better job? I seriously doubt it. In fact, I think we would be in a serious depression right now. unemployment would be well into double digits, my student loans would be through the roof, and I'd definitely not be in a position to purchase my first home. I voted for McCain, but I am glad he lost.
  4. Ride Ohio Dot Org Another Ohio based motorcycle forum. Lots of older members, cruisers and wingers, but also an extremely generous group. There are a few who still ride sport bikes.
  5. well, good luck my man, if i had it to spare i'd buy another, but i gotta keep building the bank account for house day.
  6. I'm psyched, although I fear this season will jump the shark. I don't think he can kill deb, and anything beyond the brother/sister relationship would affect the dynamics of the show too much. (I think) haven't see the first episode yet, so we'll see I guess.
  7. magley64


    it's called a freebie
  8. so where are you at on tickets? half way, sold out?
  9. my pillow is ancient, because every pillow I try is either too thick or too hard or has too much springiness. I want something that cushions my head without forcing it into another direction, and my ancient pillow is the only one I've tried that has the right balance. it won't last forever though, and I know i'm going to have to change soon.
  10. magley64

    iPhone 5

    I had the same reaction when I got the IP4... it's nice, it works, but the droid 1 I had just seemed to work better at so many things. If it hadn't gotten stolen I'd probably still have it. The only reason I even got the IP4 was because the droid X2 was SUCH a POS, that I couldn't handle it. Ended up selling it to my Heather for what gazelle was paying at the time, and bought the droid 4... very pleased with it, all except the battery life.
  11. nate, you should delete this thread, buy the bike under the explicit understanding that you are buying a 748R, then when they do not deliver a 748R you sue them for the cost difference of buying a 748R #winning
  12. magley64

    iPhone 5

    so as anyone had any problems with the infamous apple map software yet?
  13. Buyer beware, anyone who buys it without checking it out probably has more money than brains anyway. I agree it's dishonest on the part of the dealer, but if a person just buys it because of the prestige, and doesn't really know what it is, then i'm not going to lose any sleep over it. edit: did not know that, so I think we have a winnah winnah chicken dinnah
  14. Lol, Samuel L Jackson... with a hint of Dr. Seuss http://wtfu2012.com/
  15. is this the dude they killed off on the show? or did they kill off one in the show, and in real life another died?
  16. a little bigger than you mentioned, but we got a sp600 rolling chassis, engine fired up a couple years ago, but the case was cracked so it leaked oil. no handlebars, but 2 wheels, engine, forks, springs, seat, etc...
  17. was he an indian fella? If so that makes some sense, they are very brand loyal over there, and probably was a fellow honda rider.
  18. FIFY, I've never seen one in person outside of DC... PKNPK bought a bunch of the offroad versions and do tours, but they are pricey tours, too.
  19. i put ohio riders business cards on random bikes under the gas cap key cover usually.
  20. I was just hoping for more functionality, maybe something like a lapdock emulator...
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