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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I believe I'm covered, I dump 5% of my income into a HSA every paycheck... in a couple years there should be enough in there to pay for my lasik...woot! like a tax free savings account for something I wanted to get done anyway.
  2. is this an honest view? I'm all for personal liberty, but hospitals turning poor people away is a pretty cold view, I'm not saying I'm more compassionate than that, but I bet most people are... and I agree that this is the next step that needs to be taken if we are compelling hospitals to take everyone... what other business can you walk in, tell them you have no way to pay, and expect service?
  3. Like i said, I like most of what's in the bill, and if I were still a temp working my temp jobs I'd pay the stupid fine... I wouldn't be happy about it, but I'd do it... unless i could get some sort of "minimum coverage" for less than $50 a month (pay less than i would for the fine) 2.5% of income
  4. they DID test for bath salts.... they don't know if he was sniffing drain cleaner mixed with diesel fuel for example, but they did rule out bath salts...
  5. I was just curious, since this board seems to be in agreement that anyone who isn't armed to the teeth is naive and poses a threat to their family. It's nice to see the continuity on personal freedom at least... now how about seat belts?
  6. No bath salts.... Just pot.... http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/bath-salts-marijuana-face-eating-killer-miami-cannibal-143149305.html
  7. actually if you make below the poverty line, you CAN get government (cash) assistance and use it to pay for your automobile insurance... if you want to complain about "how hard it is to be successful" remember there are options... if you admire the poor for all of the free stuff they get, you can do it, too...
  8. sprocket change I went up a tooth on the XX's front sprocket.
  9. no, a car is a luxury you don't have to buy (as you keep stating) you don't have to pay income tax if you stop earning an income...
  10. equate, no, compare yes... you must admit it is similar...
  11. true... kudos to you you're also not required to earn more than the poverty level... in which case the government provides you with health coverage.
  12. so what if health care was actually "taken over" instead of this compromise? Would you be in favor of the government purchasing all of the hospitals and running them like they run the police and fire stations?
  13. I have.... if a car is registered, it must be insured, regardless of if you have driven it anywhere... something a friend of mine wasn't aware of, and it almost bit him. (he has 30+ cars, and over half of them are registered, but he only drives a handful of them regularly)
  14. Since this will be enforced by the IRS, I would assume there will be a form where you provide proof of insurance at tax time...
  15. I was asking a question, just looking for opinions...
  16. Thought experiment time... What if this were the "american personal protection act" Police are overloaded by robberies, and it is getting out of control to where the police can't keep up. A new law is written requiring you to purchase and maintain a firearm for personal protection in your home. should you refuse for economical reasons (religous reasons are almost always waived) you pay a penalty to help reimburse the police fund...pay for overtime, supplies, etc.. where would you stand on such a mandate?
  17. medicare/medicaid... forcing us to foot the bill for poor people and old people...(i'm assuming)
  18. they are in the same boat... we need to build a wall around china to keep them illegals out of the USA
  19. you can't call something a tax, and expect republicans to vote for it...
  20. doesn't your bike have an air conditioner?
  21. no... i'd really like to see that happen, the ponzi scheme has gone on long enough...
  22. can we get some super mod powers to merge the 2 threads?
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