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Everything posted by magley64

  1. that sounds like a steal for that much property, and that large of a house... too bad it's way too far south.
  2. yes, because he is the king and all, he can just write whatever laws he wants...
  3. sounds like the right call to me.
  4. nobody is bailing out gun manufacturers, but if you keep buying their shit guns, then they have no incentive to build better ones. it's the harley davidson syndrome all over again.
  5. stayed home for college, got started in my field, then the economy tanked. i'd been unemployed or underemployed until the beginning of this year... i'm on track to buy my first house in august or september. I have borrowed money from my parents, and they currently borrow from me. We get along really well, and it will be a happy day for all when i call my parents from my new house. (we loved that commercial where that guy calls his mom and says "well, I've got every light in the house on, and tell dad I'm air conditioning the entire neighborhood" while standing at his front door)
  6. So force gun manufacturers to build better guns
  7. so he does't want to transport a million old unsafe guns back to this country? guess you'll have to buy your guns new and support your local gun shops... what a shame.
  8. I do believe it is the gy6, and I do want to squeeze another 10 to 15 mph out of it for highway travel. 50 is just too slow for the state routes around here. Supposedly a cheap and easy clutch mod will give it another 5-9 mph. Jets, ignition coil, and ignition controller give it a couple more hp and put it into 65-70 mph range.
  9. 148 cc, governed to 50 mph
  10. quit legislating, it doesn't work! in the states that have banned texting, crashes due to texting have gone UP... yes, up... people that are texting while they drive now have to hide it from the police, so they are holding their phones low and out of sight while doing it, causing them to be MORE distracted.
  11. I agree whole heartedly with that statement.
  12. and who's to say 2 men or 2 women can't raise a family? I have the right to race motorcycles, it's my own skill and ability that dictates how successful I am, not an arbitrary and baseless law.
  13. room for a full face helmet under the seat, no other storage.
  14. no runs yet, spent this weeks race money on moms birthday present.
  15. Just picked this up for mom (birthday present) yesterday
  16. at that point, you're not being restricted by arbitrary laws, you're being restricted by your own ability, and personality...
  17. I've got no problem with that, if you're all of consenting ages respectively, marry whoever you want.
  18. magley64

    "Nice bike"

    "thanks! She's a heavy pig, but an absolute blast when you get her over 6000 rpm" "do you ride?" "that's cool, have a good one"
  19. Polygamy is already cool for the utards
  20. Life liberty and pursuit of happiness?
  21. so uhh, gay marriage, should rights be voted on?
  22. Just more of exarch's adhd posting... He has no focus, just verbal diarrhea.
  23. user cp, edit avatar
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