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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Just checked the site, and he doesn't mention service on there, but i could have swore he did work on bikes as well, oh well...
  2. Ryan Hoblick, Shop Dog Cycles... www.shopdogcycles.com he's a sponsor here, and one hell of a dude.
  3. Makes sure your agent is a "Realtor" (individually a memebr of the national association of realtors) they have higher ethical standards than just a real estate agent... don't bee fooled by agencies that are members who's agents are not... IIRC there is a agency that was listed on here as screwing with one of our members, so i'd avoid them for sure.
  4. if nobody else has posted in it... sure... once someone else posts in it (like i just did) it's OUR thread.
  5. Oh shit, exactly what we need... more of jagr's friends.... Welcome
  6. Miatas are fun and cheap... You could buy my bugger for 2.5k and put a hellaciously fast engine and a hydraulic clutch in with the rest... Or buy a mc engine and 'build' a fun car for next summer
  7. After you hack a bunch of holes in your frame to save weight... you could probably hit 250
  8. Heck, I did new lyme to canfield in 28 minutes... For no reason! Ninjadoc didn't even show up on time...lol
  9. Ive done those types of speeds..luckily never clocked
  10. Only harley you could get me to consider is a night rod, and it would have to be a smokin deal...
  11. Me + this bike = no license in no time... glws
  12. Glws doc... More rides in our future this summer.
  13. ^this^ they already have a catch all law, they can give you a ticket for whatever the hell they want... putting a checkbox that says "cell phone" on the ticket isn't going to make it any better enforced...
  14. I did mine in ember, she was a hefty pig but I pushed her through the course.
  15. After the second letter, i'd give him something to bitch about...
  16. Ehh, not such a great coaster anyway, always felt like the type of thing that should be at the ashtabula county fair, not a world class amusement park.
  17. I know I would screw up for my first week, and have a bunch of screwed up shifts, so I would never do it to one of my bikes
  18. What, no apostrophe after the s? The government is not your babies' daddy.
  19. Not arguing with your statistics, I'm arguing with your premise... All automobile wrecks are caused by shitty drivers (except those caused by animals, mechanical failures, and natural disasters) I don't care what else the driver is doing, that is up to them... point is that you cannot blame cell phones for car wrecks, you can't blame guns for homocides, and you cant blame spoons for heroin overdose
  20. Bullshit, unless the cellphone somehow took control of the car, the accident wasn't caused by the cellphone, it was caused by a shit driver.
  21. Ron Paul 2012 the only candidate who is really different. The only one who's principles can't be bought.
  22. Not exactly a valid argument, as I am always aware of my surroundings, speeding or not.
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