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Everything posted by magley64

  1. then according to my realtor, you are 100% legal, you can post your story to any public forums, take out a 2 page ad in the local newspaper, or post a billboard with your experience, legally they have nothing on you.
  2. fact is, businesses are in business to make money, do you know why manufacturing moved overseas? not because of taxes (at least not "mostly" because of taxes) it's because of labor. if you want to earn $30,000 a year doing a job that someone in china will do for $1,000 per year, business will favor that source. As long as the people with the purchasing power (us) continues to buy things that are made by chinese at slave labor wages, then business will continue to favor using the slave labor overseas. i see 2 things affecting this in a major way 1. fuel costs; if fuel costs become so high that it's actually cheaper to make things here than to make them elsewhere and ship them here, then jobs will return. 2. government intervention in the form of tarrifs. If it costs more to import it than it does to pay someone a decent wage to make it, then jobs will return. taxes have little to do with this equation.
  3. okay, cite a better source for your claim that we are "dead last" as opposed to somewhere in the top 10 so in your world wages are infinitely negotiable? I've never had such an experience. name 3 I'm not bitter, I'm not voting to punish them... I'm suggesting that they are not going without, their outcome doesn't change, their day-to-day life is exactly as it would have been, the only difference is by how much their bank accounts grow each day. as opposed to someone who lives paycheck to paycheck, when you take that money, they go without something. on a side note, I'm amused, because 4 years ago I was on the opposite side of this debate... and 4 years ago, I was on unemployment while making your argument. Now i'm working, and i'm on this side of it... kinda funny, huh?
  4. is this pipeline safe? yeah... just like that offshore drilling stuff... perfectly safe... just like fracking, perfectly safe...
  5. Ninth place out of 128 countries is HARDLY dead last... http://www.forbes.com/lists/2010/6/best-countries-10_Best-Countries-for-Business_Rank.html yadda yadda class warfare, every time you mention the income disparity conservatives scream "class warfare" the fact remains that the people who work the hardest in this country earn the LEAST. By and large those who have the most money were born into it. Mitt Romney said he doesn't earn that much from his guest speaking, that's nearly $400,000 a year... yeah a pittance. his "real" money comes from investments...
  6. Well, that's because I am on both sides, I identify myself as republican, but when it comes right down to it, I'm really libertarian. when it comes to most social issues, I'm a liberal, when it comes to most fiscal issues, I'm a conservative.
  7. well, we can frame this however you like, but it's all the same metaphor. ron paul is chocolate ice cream, Obama is pork, the other candidates are pork flavored ice cream. either you stand for one thing or you stand for the other, make a decision, I'm sick of the waffling.
  8. perhaps a simile or metaphor will help... Ron paul is a hamburger, the rest of the republican candidates are Turkey burgers, Obama is a turkey. I'd much rather have a hamburger, but if I've only got a choice between a turkey burger or some turkey, I'd rather just have some turkey.
  9. What republican running has said a thing about rights other than Paul? Santorum defended habeus corpus in the face of the defense appropriations bill(everything else he has said is theocratic); Huntsman seemed to have a good stance on liberty; other than that I have seen nothing from a republican candidate that makes me think they will do anything any different. What they are proposing is that we stop taxing rich people, start taxing poor people, stop spending that money on helping americans and instead spend it on bombs and helping rebuild the places we've just bombed...
  10. It would appear that way, but the rest of the republican field isn't for smaller, less restrictive government either... obama is for overtaxing the wealthiest (who can afford it) and personal welfare... The republicans are for overtaxing the poor (who can't afford it) and corporate welfare. So if my only choices are those 2, i'll take the former.
  11. not to be argumentative, but all of the other 06 busas I've seen have had dual front rotors, taking one off seems like youre eliminating about 2/5ths of your stopping power, (if you follow the 80/20 rule). This is the last i will say, best of luck with your sale.
  12. Basically, more specifically a less constrictive government.
  13. Don't like smoking? don't smoke. Don't like guns? don't buy one. Don't like alcohol? Don't drink it. Don't like gay marriage? don't marry a dude. Don't like drugs? Don't do them. Quit legislating shit you don't like, cause eventually shit you do like will get legislated and suddenly you're a criminal, too
  14. Imprez has the first half, as for second hand smoke, the effects have been outrageously over-estimated, even if you sit in the "smoking" section, your risk for lung disease don't change appreciably, and you still have the freedom to patronize an establishment that doesn't allow smoking or sit in a non smoking section... Hooray liberty
  15. it's not like the weight savings is significant, the bike still weighs the proverbial ton. must be to show off the wheels....
  16. wait a sec...is that thing missing a brake rotor?
  17. when you're right, you're right...fucktard:D
  18. HYPERSPORT!!!! flying couches are fine for 2-up...
  19. you'd think motorcycle would be the biggest word...
  20. So what happens when the "people" decide that motorcycles are far too dangerous for public roads? Allow other people's liberties to be widdled away, and yours are sure to follow.
  21. this is why we need ron paul... there is no "tipping point", freedoms are slowly eroded away if nobody is vigilant in protecting them... when someone says "there ought to be a law" there probably oughtn't be one. smoking laws in restaurants/bars for example...shouldn't it be that store owner's right to allow people to smoke in his/her own restaurant? nope, gubmint says NO! the bill of rights are absolutely paramount, and the number one issue IMO, the economy, healthcare, infrastructure, etc... should ALL be considered MUCH later than the preservation of our rights.
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