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Everything posted by magley64

  1. along the same lines... HA! http://news.yahoo.com/man-arrested-explosives-airport-army-expert-001817371.html
  2. no cruisers, never understood the purpose... if I want to ride slow, I can just not twist the throttle so hard... or pedal...
  3. Quite the opposite, I think the evangelical people of iowa want a theocrat. They know exactly where santorum is, and exactly what he stands for.... The republican population at large tends to be quite a bit more moderate regarding social issues, so I believe he's done as well as he can do. frothy an all
  4. don't you mean if Obama gets in? oh wait, he's already there...
  5. yeah, he wasn't a "distant" third by any means... I agree that Santorum pulled the "Huckabee" evangelical vote in iowa, and Romney is still the republican "second choice"
  6. magley64


    unless you happen to be looking in the direction the weather is coming from...
  7. so you can make that decision for every church (not to mention every person) in this country? and since when is allowing all people in this country the same rights and priveledges "worse"? isn't that kinda contrary to your sig line?
  8. wrong... you can get married in this country with no mention of any religion whatsoever. my parents got married in a courthouse in jeans on a random tuesday, no religion expressed or implied, a judge asked them if they would love honor and cherish one another, til death do they part, he then pronounced them married, i think it cost them $25. this gives them rights to each other's property, and power to make decisions on the other's behalf, as well as visitation rights in hospitals after terrible accidents. I don't want your religion to do anything except "butt out" of what is a civil matter, and has nothing to do with religion. Nobody is asking your church to perform the ceremony, nobody is asking your religion to endorse it.
  9. Tix purchased, nice discount thanks to being in Ben stillman's Pitt crew ... Thanks man!
  10. here is where you lost me... From your perspective, being hindu, buddhist, wiccan, atheist would have the same "eternal" consequences... yet you aren't suggesting that people be prohibited from practicing these beliefs... in fact you support their rights to practice their religions (or none)... so why the special pleading for gay marriage? Wh not propose legislation to make your religion the only acceptable one? we're talking about people's futures here... aren't we? how can you make a case for one and not the other? Some gay people believe that being married to their chosen partner will make them happy, and since their marriage affects you very little (if at all) why try to prohibit them from their DOI protected pursuit of happines?
  11. bullshit, they spin easier that way, none of that pesky friction when you push the pedal.
  12. "Social Conservative" just seems like code for "evangelical zealot" which is a fine thing to be, if you find the bible to be your one source for all morality, and law...so be it. Why sugar coat it, or PC it up by changing the name to "social conservative"? Is it the same with creationism taking the PC term "intelligent design"? Seems as though it's just a semantics trick to get religion a foothold into politics, and biology respectively.
  13. magley64


    hehehe.... you call that snow? speaking of zero radar signature precipitation, anyone remember the bedford area paninis meet last year, when there was zero radar signatures anywhere near the state, and out of nowhere there was a downpour? and I was the crazy one for not riding to the meet.
  14. again, all but ignoring Ron Paul, who could pull quite an upset...
  15. this too, i wouldn't say I'm "done" in december, but i'm not chomping at the bit, itching to ride like i am after a 3 month imprisonment.
  16. i was out after november, i'm not out in sub 40 temps... my own personal comfort limit. snowmobile comes out when temps drop below 40
  17. clearly this person isn't a "candy ass fair weather rider"
  18. if you don't unload the seats before spring, my dad is looking to get an old 750 and loves the K&Q seats.
  19. Faux news... Enough read
  20. i was playing zelda, and thought for a second it may have been game related, but realized it was an earthquake when i felt my bed shake against the walls.
  21. holy crap man....glad you and the fam are okay!
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