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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I think it suits ron paul better to have the "establishment" republican votes split between romney and their "druther" candidate... the fewer candidates running means more establishment republicans will flock to their "second choice", and ron paul's growing (and very motivated) minority will look smaller in the process. also, I think the candidates are scared of paul, so they will back romney when they can't run themselves.
  2. several http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=83183
  3. exactly why I went with speakers, plus I can leave my stuff mounted to the bike when i'm gassing up or making a quick stop, and not have to worry about fumbling for the mp3 player or whatever. Got a power switch and volume knob mounted to the right fairing.
  4. nah, with the earplugs I crank it up, but the speakers are mounted on the brake and clutch mounts directly in front of my face, so they don't have to be cranked all that high for normal roads. when I'm stopped they seem a LOT louder, but some of the volume is lost to the wind.
  5. i can still hear mine with ear plugs in.... in fact, they sound better on the freeway with the earplugs... around town they sound better without earplugs
  6. magley64

    Wtf ups

    only had this problem once... apparently the zip got typed wrong...
  7. magley64


    i think justin has the gravedigger award still
  8. uhm, yeah it's actually pretty annoying trying to actually use this site with an iphone 4... IMO
  9. to Mike's credit, the blizzak ws70 is a great tire. It will get your subie through most anything you'd dare put it through, so no worries there. good luck, hope it all works out for you.
  10. i'll draw the line at the first amendment, k thanks btw, this isn't lolcat, but a funny, and protected parody... enjoy! http://www.rodneyohebsion.com/declaration-of-independence.htm
  11. this shotgun talk reminds me of kill bill... "you pretty good with that shotgun?" "not that I have to be at this range but yes I'm a F%&* surgeon with this shotgun"
  12. nah, my friend mari has one named Omar, very similar to the one pictured, but he has giant blue eyes...
  13. Jungle cat hybrid, way scarier than a dog...
  14. this was just earlier this week... http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/iran-warns-us-carrier-not-to-return-to-persian-gulf/2012/01/03/gIQAm9UEYP_story.html
  15. in fact, i might use it as a primary, especially if i could sync it with my phone.
  16. I'd love to get this and lower it for the S/O, just can't afford... I iz Poor. GLWS
  17. magley64


    WINNAR! (annoyed I can't do all caps, lol)
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