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Everything posted by magley64

  1. actually, it was not a hell of a lot of choice, lol, but thanx mang.
  2. well, we made it ugly, but way more comfortable, lol
  3. oh thanks man, i appreciate that... all is good now.
  4. if i had mad wheelie skills I coulda just rode it home on 1 wheel like a real bikestyler...
  5. it's a 1982 honda cb900 Custom 10 speed yep, 10 gears, kinda like a bicycle, with 5 in the front and 2 in the rear... not a bad looker for a 30 yr old. eh?
  6. Went to pick up a bike my dad purchased. Apparently the previous owner didn't ride it much... 2 miles down the road, the bike is falling on its face.... I go to pull into a rite aid parking lot, and the front wheel locks up putting me into a low side... Left part of my ankle skin, knee skin, and grindings from the bike I just bought...also scuffed my jacket... Stood it up, called fonzie to see if he was in a position to help, no dice... Called every truck rental in the area, no dice... Finally just said "fuck this shit, I'm riding this bitch home" Went to auto zone up the road, bought a ratchet set, yanked off the front calipers and rode it home on the rear brake only. Minor injuries, a few scraped hard parts, a chipped mirror, and a scuffed jacket sleeve later, dad has a bike in the garage that runs pretty good.
  7. Shit, I am out.... gotta go to toledo tomorrow instead.
  8. Shit! I am out, need to pick up dads bike that he purchased tomorrow from toledo...
  9. this one? 8834 Lake Road Seville, OH 44273-9001 http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=bp&daddr=lodi+ohio&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=41.030809,-81.885824&sspn=0.045064,0.076818&ie=UTF8&ll=41.03246,-81.906338&spn=0,0.038409&z=15&layer=c&cbll=41.031101,-81.906904&panoid=EvjCrShns4LApSQ8MVXv4Q&cbp=12,332.24,,0,-4.32
  10. I'm gonna try to get on a DTC team once we get there.
  11. Let's just go with it matt and mike, pick a gas station in lodi, see you there around 730., ill be rocking the red cbr1100xx with a loud ass stereo, and wearing a titanium colored shoei and red n black rocket nation jacket.
  12. You hitting the photohunt

  13. alright bot man... enjoy seo, we might see you if we head that direction... I wonder if there is anything on the list about asians curb stomping puppies...
  14. yeah, a right angle... glad you are ok, get that steed fixed and get to ridin'.
  15. i'd like to finalize this list by thursday so I can get the route/meat spots planned, and times worked out. in: magz mgbg mike53 tenative conne-rot jbot imprez? Doubtful Pauly Likwid bad
  16. if u want to meet up jbot, just say so, we can pick you up @ that mcdonals just off 90.
  17. suggestion for change: let's NOT have a dude in the parking lot pushing bikes over this year.
  18. I can't even count how many people i've seen reading novels and newspapers...doing crossword puzzles and sudoku... it's crazy.
  19. Last week, I mentioned a friend of mine was unfortunate enough to have and encounter with a deer on his way to work riding his (now christened "deer KLR") motorcycle to work. The next day, I come walking in with my helmet in my hand, and jacket on when my boss' boss' boss' stops me in the hall. Him:"didn't you hear about Wayde yesterday?" Me:"yeah, he has 6 broken ribs, and a half removed toenail" Him:"so why are you riding today?!?" Me:"cause, that's what I do" Him:"is it really worth it?" me:"absolutely" I thought it was a perfect question and answer for this thread.
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