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Everything posted by magley64

  1. pull the pin, if it doesn't go off like a grenade,(or start to leak) it's probably fine. if it does start to leak, replace it. my $.02
  2. we all screw with each other on this site, usually it's not serious. but when something as tragic, and unexpected happens, I fully support the mods cleaning up whatever they feel necessary to not be insensitive to peoples feelings. were the posts that were removed that meaningful to the people who posted them? again i support the mods, they do their best.
  3. 3 days away! I'm psyched, broke, but psyched
  4. the problem with team jacob... I heard he has fleas.
  5. again, that's a mediocre rider @ 140, you get someone on that bike who knows their ass from their elbow and the braking distance shortens further.
  6. disagree with your assesment, according to what i've read even a mediocre sport bike rider can bring 60 to 0 in under 140 ft, that leaves 33ft even if you were right on their tail lights.
  7. Either you were following rediculously close or you have no idea how to use your brakes... your bike should be able to stop WAY quicker than any car on the road. Take it as a learning experience for next year, and good luck healing up.
  8. yeah the title pretty much said everything I was going to say. :banana::banana:
  9. YEAH! AFJ/BIKESTYLES type trash talking... I say we need a squid race around some freeway offramps, and then maybe a whoolie contest to decide the winnar! OH WAIT, that dude doesn't have a bike anymore, he can't outride ANYONE... my girlfriend would beat you in a motorcycle race on the twinstar 200 ...and i know fonzies bike will totally smoke TD's watercraft, and his truck...
  10. if you were gonna do it, this would be the place.
  11. what a terrible place to mount it...
  12. my .02 it's Ben's board. He has a list of people to whom he's granted mod powers. Apparently he trusts their judgement enough to give them certain liberties within his site. This includes the disciplinary powers of infractions. Should you disagree with an infraction or how it was applied, MY first move would have been to send a PM to ben and explain why you disagree with it. NOT to start a new public thread whining like a little bitch. Want to be treated like an adult? act like one. fonzie came on and gave his opinion, in defense of another mods decision. I've never gotten an infraction based on anything I've said in a PM, and esssentially that's what john did, sent you a PM calling you a fucktard, along with a 1 pt infraction (which you can get just for annoying a mod). and based on this thread alone, you're privy to a 3pter if one of the mods felt it was warranted.
  13. pauly is the person i'd ask if i was considering desmo.
  14. as much as i like motorola's reliability and signal strength over-all this is BULLSHIT. I'm almost tempted to switch to another android phone, but that wouldn't take any of my money out of motorola's hands, they already got it. Half the allure of a droid phones are that you can mod/hack/customize, sabotoging a phone if you do something like that is a dick move. may as well buy a fucking iphone if you can't mod shit.
  15. no no, that's here.. he blames all of you
  16. magley64

    7/14 qs&l

    did that dude with the black jixer get his stuff running?
  17. welcome fellow NEO rider, I'm northeast of you.
  18. magley64

    7/14 qs&l

    great time hanging out with you guys, holly, russo, bad...good times @ wendy's
  19. magley64

    7/14 qs&l

    @ boneyard mayfield, am I late?
  20. first bike: gift second: trade third: trade + cash fourth and current: cash
  21. it's more about incidentals, like the jackson "wardrobe malfunction" or live oral slip-ups, nothing to do with pre-recorded stuff.
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