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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Since when are they entitled to hear it? You're selling something, I have money. It's your right to refuse sale, but I'll go next door and get one elsewhere.
  2. me personally? None... (hence why i'm not currently in the market for a vest) the same argument could be made for a helmet, or leather jacket... wear your gear. If i did have one (or felt the need to purchase one) you bet your ass I'd be wearing it. As religiously as I wear my jacket and helmet when riding a motorcycle, I'd be wearing my bulletproof vest when out in public. I may look in to getting one down the road as they become thinner and lighter (as materials and manufacturing processes improve)
  3. again, to not die from a centermass gunshot.
  4. holy fckin balls that was amazing... that's the way I want to go, screw this "quietly in your sleep" bullshit... I want to live life fast and leave a mangled corpse. I wonder if i wind it up to around 200 on my bike if i could clear the bridge.
  5. basically, everyone is pissed off at us for being cocky, and invading their countries all the time, then use whatever justification they want (or can find) to attack us... in this case they decided to use a religious justification. why? because they know their country is full of religious zealots, and our country is full of different religious zealots.
  6. tell everyone I'm friendly as hell... I have no badass biker persona....lol
  7. I love the power glove, It's so bad...
  8. Rumors? Lol... Some of us were at the photo hunt last year... not cool. anyway, you did your time, welcome back.
  9. ^ this Religion may have been a factor... the "straw that broke the camel's back" so to speak, but it wouldn't have mattered if they were islamic, jewish, or christian (just accounting for the big 3). There are passages in all of the abrahamic religions for the killing of non-believers, infidels, heathens, and other people who don't follow your exact religion.
  10. My intent is to not die from a centermass gun shot...
  11. that's effing retarded.... so you're free to own as much ammunition and tools for killing as you damn well please, but you can't have a piece of protective clothing? is it just me or does this seem ass backwards?
  12. the question of whether it's a mosque or a denny's shouldn't matter one iota. it's private property, shut the hell up, it's none of your f*cking business.
  13. I was watching some of the "debate" on hannity the other day. they kept repeating : 1. 68% of americans don't want this built A. Who the fuck cares? it's not their choice. 2. "Moderate" muslims don't support the building A. since when does being moderate make you correct? 3. this emam is a radical (spelling?) A. I don't give a shit if he's a gorilla, it's not your call.
  14. You know how I roll Casper, just hook up some speakers, and crank it up!
  15. man, I'd love to get ahold of this for a teacher bike...
  16. I'd do it, it's kinda far... but if i'm meeting someone it's not so bad.
  17. i made something like that, but i wasn't paying xtranormal to publish it.
  18. i'd say either same covered bridge, or try to edit the route to hit the andover one this time...either way.
  19. hey armith, if you want the tool, i'd be happy to lend it to you. sprockets are a no brainer, and the chain is real simple.
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