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Everything posted by magley64

  1. not true actually... if you're actively job hunting, you CAN deduct those things from your taxes*...(yes the government will pay for your gas and resume paper, etc...) *Please see a tax professional to see if you qualify for deductions.
  2. i still think the definition of clunker is off...and the engine isn't the biggest factor in deciding the fuel efficiency of a vehicle...it's weight...
  3. mmmm solox http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geu8TCmnhKJTEBB6tXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBybjFrcjVnBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNARjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw--/SIG=120bcm4kd/EXP=1249504322/**http%3a//www.youtube.com/watch%3fv=d7r5GOcqolA
  4. yeah, and then next year I can upgrade to that super-fast silverwing scooter:rolleyes: WEAK SAUCE...get into thousands of watts...add another alternator (i did) at one time I had so much bass you couldn't swallow your own saliva while sitting in my passenger seat.
  5. I had an identical problem with my old CB750, had a 4 into 1 exhaust, and when i went to fire it up for the first time in spring, I was being pelted in the back with black chunks... apparently some mice stored dog food in my exhaust header, and when I fired it up they blasted out and ricoched off the back wall. every season after that I'd store it with a cork in the exhaust.
  6. how about a 0 party system...dnc/rnc convention people scare me:confused:
  7. but on your bike, how far could it fall? you drag hard parts at 3 degrees
  8. As Lewis Black so eloquently put it..."The only thing worse than a republican, is a democrat...this 2 party system we have is nothing better than a bowl of shit looking in the mirror"
  9. Like i've said many times, I'm not a supporter of Obama, I'm not a supporter of his new healthcare turd, I AM a supporter of correct information.
  10. Biden was born in Scranton, P.A. /discussion
  11. forgot about "perfect bass"
  12. I'd try one...not buying unless I REALLY like the demo.
  13. wasn't referring to the ape...was considering the askers kawi...
  14. at this point...who cares who's president... the public is already swallowing this socialized healthcare turd...we're 10 trillion in debt...nobody can screw this up any more than it already is... bring in Palin, at least we'll have someone attractive winking at us to add to the spank bank while we're getting poked in the butt by congress...
  15. 2 dewds.... one was a good friend, bike retrieval mission... other one was my cousin, so whatev...
  16. hell yes... bass mechanics... This track will test the woofer's ability to reproduce sub-bass frequencies, without reaching the limits of its voice coil or suspension. In other words, to drop bottom, without bottoming out. Be sure to disengage any equalizers, epicenters, or other bass enhancement devices as they will not be necessary for this track. .................... This concludes the woofer excursion test. If your woofers have not seized up at this time, they are now qualified for the following tracks. ...I used to have a Kicker SoloX 18...
  17. really?!? Any time I've ridden a passenger, I've barely noticed they were there... the bike seems sluggish, sure, but not to the point of "suck" of course I'm on the 1100, so maybe it's more noticeable on a 6...
  18. just make sure your passenger knows to stay with you on lean angle (not up and down) and have them put their palms on the tank to help support their weight at stops...etc.... otherwise, your performance will just seem sluggish compared to the rest of the time.
  19. sinner did a writeup http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=9706
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