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Everything posted by magley64

  1. basically a program you run on the phone to unlock all features... was originally designed to unlock ringtone options, but has been expanded to allow a great deal of custom options that the iphone doesn't have out of the box. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jailbreak_(iPhone_OS)
  2. agree! dogs are animals...I have no beef with killing an animal that threatens my safety or anyone elses...i'll put a hatchet through it's head myself..lay it on it's owner's doorstep...and I won't lose a second of sleep over it.
  3. I'm on the edge of my seat with anticipation
  4. the stranger was probably me...I'm one of 3 people active on this site in the county... the other 2 are zoner and conn-e-rot-ninja
  5. best of luck don, hope it works great for you.
  6. they WOULD have had it instead of att, but they didn't want apple's customer service handling their business... bad choice IMO...if not for the iphone, i think att mobile would be as insignificant as t-mo
  7. agree, have also heard horror stories about storm... if you're going crackberry, go curve...you'll be happier with it or spend a small fortune on a Iphone and then jailbreak it... prepare for a gang of dropped calls. (15-25% is VERY common from what i've heard) whatever floats your boat.
  8. Sounds like this might be my fault...for the misconception... it's more of a running joke than an actual request..
  9. I've just upgraded with VZW...i got the Omnia. If you live in a more metropolitan area than I do,(or in youngstown) ATT might be good enough for you... it's NOT good enough for me, I'll wait for VZW to get the iphone.
  10. you should be a cop... http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=31728 "it would be nice if she were drunk, and say...swerved into my path"
  11. what a bunch of idiots.... holy crap...
  12. why is 90 in a 65 hard to swallow? i know "someone" who does that on a regular basis, though "he" is with nick, that you cool it at intersections...then wind it back up
  13. mathematically plausible that 95 was the minimum speed of the bike...
  14. orrrr you could just come to one of my tent parties/bonfires and you'd pretty much know where i am 90% of the time...
  15. that is the abridged version
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