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Posts posted by copper1k

  1. Back in March -Friday 8am to Sunday 10am. (Insert 2 hour nap Saturday from 9 to 11am).

    Lifeline Of Ohio was running a 3 for one special for organs. I had 3 donors come in at different times on my on-call weekend, 8 hours of testing each.

    When I finally went to sleep Sunday I could not maintain body temp and had head to toe body aches. Lack of sleep has some wicked side effects.

    Suck factor of 10.

  2. ....they made a commitment when they chose to get 2 pets and they should have be more responsible. Geesh

    I agree. You make a commitment that should last for the life of the pet. Some dogs do not adjust well to change but you find what works so that all can live harmonioulsy.

  3. I wish I would have stayed in.

    Copper, I didn't know you served? Must be why I like you.

    Thanks, I thought it was my sparkling personality.

    I spent 3 years as a grunt and was deployed for just about all of it.

    I miss some of it, but not enough to want it again.

  4. welcome, enjoy, and hope to meet you on the road.... hooah! from a former 2nd I.D., 503rd airborne rgmt, sergeant .... 2nd I.D. second to none!!

    Small world. Aco 1/503 Infantry Regiment 93-94. First Rock!

  5. Get him in civil court. Own his future.

    Yes. At least with a judgment leaning against his name he would be forever reminded that his actions led to the death of a human being. The fact he has nothing now would not stop me from making him pay for the rest of his life. I'd make it so he would have to HAND deliver $50 a month to the widow for the rest of his life. He would have to look into the eyes of the woman that would be forever changed by his lack of good judgment.

    A year from now this kid would have forgotten about all of this and will never have to face it again. Taking a life should warrant a life long sentence of some kind.

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