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Everything posted by warpspeed

  1. can you print preview with chrome yet? thats ONE of the reasons i went back to firefox....along with not having very many addons
  2. so we are gonna have smog tests again????
  3. made me dizzy. that would be one big LOL at the bmv test
  4. your a girl. and lowering the gearing is a huge awesome difference. Just did it to the 600rr and it pulls as well as the 675 now. j/k mj
  5. I paid $175 for a jump WITH a separate video....out of a legit skydiving plane that you didn't have to do the monkey bars to get out of it lol...only $100 for just the jump no video. It was a pretty big place, 3 planes continuously going http://www.parachutecenter.com/index.htm best part was the "WTF AM I DOING" thoughts as we are perched on the edge of the door about to let go.....
  6. nobodys making you post yours so just and watch all the other imbeciles. plus these guys have nothing better to show off in the winter since their bikes are buried in the garage.
  7. mother of pearl i paid like $80 shipped last fall.....
  8. Nice rig. Wish I had the dough for a nice catback....but am just doin dual cutouts, that way if I want it quiet I just shut them.
  9. do they make a lense to cover the headlights? and welcome.
  10. saturday. If I can get off work I'll be there.
  11. yea rain started raining a lil early we were messing with the dmax's and had to pull them in the garage to continue.
  12. pm'd you a link to a VERY VERY helpful video.
  13. +1....cats suck. and a certain car forum i'm on---they have a thread dedicated to cat pics....
  14. one of my friends dad has a norton...its pretty neat
  15. had a tmaxx...finally sold the freakin money pit.
  16. Nice setup Strictly Street..My monitor is identical to yours
  17. i remember going down a straight road 2 years ago doin 100 at a 60 degree lean to beat a bad storm. rolled in the garage just in time
  18. warpspeed


    bahahhahahha the cowbell tops it off
  19. i badly want to come but Im working every day except sundays....i MIGHT be able to get off but its a slim chance.
  20. yea dustin does good reasonable work
  21. List/link updated!!!! http://www.600rr.net/vb/showthread.php?t=177630
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