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Posts posted by demitrix

  1. I'm looking at a Honda CB as a base for the project, they are cheap and readily available so if I bail on the project I'm not out a lot of cheddar. From what I've been reading GSXR triple trees bolt up pretty painlessly, my largest concern at this time is the swing arm.

  2. Thinking about trying my hand at building a bike. I'm looking at creating a frankenbike I guess it would be called since I have no better name for the class of bike. Something similar to


    Has anyone around here done a similar project and have any input? Source for parts, pointers on swingarm/triple tree swap, etc?

    I may not post all photos from this project in this thread but I will try to keep them all stored in this album.


  3. If the ticket is dropped are there still court fees? The only reason I ask is I have been in traffic court before for other charges but have never paid any court fees, even when I lawyered up over a bunk DUI charge.

  4. So I know these threads pop up all the time on every forum across the internet. Last night I got pulled over in the cage for 66 in a 55. The officer although very nice did write me a ticket. I'm not trying to say I don't deserve the ticket, I broke the law and got what I deserved. My question is would it be worth my time to try to at least get the charges lowered if not dropped. The only charge on my record is a no seat belt ticket almost a year ago. If I do take it to court how should I approach the situation to try to get a better deal worked out.

  5. Know it may be a bit late, and I'm sure some people already covered this but I am lazy.

    With all of my ex's I tell them that what ever way we cornering they need to look over that shoulder. ie. right turn they should look over my right shoulder. Makes it a lot easier for them to keep it in mind with a simple goal like that.

    Work out some signals ahead of time too, tell her she can tap you right leg to go faster or left leg if she wants you to slow down. Same for you, think of some basic motions to let her know what your intentions are, such as passing, accelerating, etc. Without headsets there is no way to talk other than hand gestures.

    If they are a good passenger you shouldn't (from my experience) feel like they are really there. Just be sure to slow things down and don't be stupid.

  6. How does jailbroken iphone compare to rooted Android, and why? Just curious, because I possibly (doubt it though) could be swayed to the dark side.

    Youtube for best cydia tweaks etc and watch a few videos to get an idea of what its like. Easiest way to understand.

  7. Its not in the water, if you read about the books, or have read the books, everyone already has the zombie 'virus'. It doesnt activate until death, the reason people turn after being bit is that the zombie bite kills them through infection then they die and reanimate.

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