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Posts posted by demitrix

  1. Let's back up and be nice about this. This is a sensitive issue to us gear Nazis as you can see. You got the bike you also need gear. I know you see all the Dbag squids doing squid shit all over Lancaster and at Rising park. I see it too.

    That Sir is not what this sport is about. At least not in this community. We know people go down gear or not the difference is potentialy being able to come out unscathed and/or get up quickly to avoid being run over. You don't want to get up and have NO skin covering your Knees, Elbows, Ankle bone or your face. Skin is good to have covering these areas. Skin graphs are not fun or anyone.

    Gotta get the gear man. Even somethin basic is going to have elbow shoulder and a back pad. You can get something for under $100 for now.

    Post up a WTB thread (want to buy).

    WTB: Jacket. Medium. On the cheap please.

    Someone here will have something for you.

    Make this something you have learned from so it doesn't happen again.

    Also look at gear to protect your bike. Sliders, case savers, etc. Prolly wouldn't help in this case but next time will prolly be different.


    I didnt mean to come across as immature or anything, its just frustrating cause i know i need gear but im only working part time and am looking for another job so even a cheap jacket isnt really an option right now. Though i appreciate the offers. As far as 'making the community look bad'. Yeah riding with just a helmet t shirt and jeans doesnt portray the best image but I'm also nothing like the guys that hang out at Rising Park.

  2. Well I do suppose if i sold my bike I could get a jacket...yeah thats what I'll do.

    I dont want to get in an argument over this, but honestly whether i was in a full track suit or a tshirt, in this particular accident, it wouldnt have made a difference. Yeah I'd be down a few scratches but those dont concern me it was the blunt impact of me landing on my shoulder that injured it. Leather or cotton, my shoulder would still hurt. Yeah if i wouldve gone down in gravel or on the asphalt itd be a different story. I didnt though. So please dont lecture me on gear, I dont have a spare couple hundred to spend right now and if you want to say that i shouldnt ride without it then I'm sorry thats my choice, it wont kill you when i wreck without gear.

  3. Standout, Yes and yes, its 2 months old to me.

    Benyen, I think you got the spot, its really only like 3 minutes from the end of the ride, there are 4 turns down the hill and its pretty woodsy. Like I said I had the same reaction as you last time, I went way too slow I guess this time i was going a lil fast.

  4. lol, i actually stopped at the gas station in Nelsonville to get zip ties to hold the front of the bike on and the cashier has a whole bag laying there and its like "O these are for our 'something or other', I don't know if I'm allowed to give you any"...

  5. What happened? I don't really remember. Me and Shawn were on 278 just outside Nelsonville and there is a big hill with some twisties on it, first time I rode it I got spooked and slowed down like a gma, this time I want to keep an okay pace through it, I wasnt really pushing just trying to keep it over the 10 MPH I did last time. Went through the first right, which goes right back into a left and I just went straight instead, braked as much as I could before I got to the grass and then it was over.

  6. So went through the hocking hills last night and found out that my R6 doesn't handle well once it leaves the pavement. Ill put some pictures once i get motivated enough to do it. All in all i got lucky. Nothing broke on me just cant move my shoulder much and a few cuts and scrapes. The bike didnt get so lucky, but its still mechanically sound, so depending on the insurance outcome I might be joining the street fighter club.








  7. Clearly everyone here knows how bad of an idea it is, this isnt a lecture against it. Just a reminder of the dangers. Tonight I was a small bar in Lancaster, The Fairview, NightRider was with me but left early. After last call a guy got on his Harley and left, I went inside to use a restroom and when I came back all my friends were missing, I found out the rider went down in the alley behind the bar. So I ran over and turns out the guy either destroyed his ankle and/or his tibia/fibula. Me and my friends helped him up and got him the proper medical attention and parked his bike for him. This is the first time I've seen somene seriously injured on a bike and it hit home so again I'm not lecturing anyone just be safe and think twice.

  8. Shell & Sunoco only.

    Thats all I run. All the Sunocos inside lancaster have closed so its mostly Shell now. Ive heard horror stories of BP gas so i avoid it like the plague. All other major brands just fall into the gray in between area, and i never fuel at ma and pa stations.

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