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Posts posted by KruelHouse

  1. I would do 2 time jumps. Once' date=' to sign a very large life insurance policy for my ex-wife and son. Second, jump to the day Issac was born, fall asleep holding her, while she holds him, praying to God that this last moment becomes my eternity, and never wake up.

    If that weren't possible, I'd time travel to the day Karl Marx was born and murder him and his whole fucking family.[/quote']

    Just when I was about to commend your sensitive side...:D

  2. Buy tickets for EVERYONE that I've ever truly known (family, friends, co-workers) to meet me at and island destination (Dominican Republic, Grand Cayman, Ibiza). Literally buy out the resort, and proceed to party with my entire life (past and present) at one time. I'd even pay for them to keep partying for another week after I'm gone. They can then exchange stories on how I've enriched (or RUINED) their lives:D.

    I'd also pay for special effects so that when I die, my body just desintegrates as I walk toward the ocean, and the dust particles move fluidly toward the rising sun.

  3. Archer is the funniest shit I've seen in a minute. It's right up there with Family Guy and Robot Chicken. Actually...I think I'm liking Archer for the #1 spot.

    Yeah, I'd easily put Archer before Robot Chicken, and probably above Family Guy as well.

  4. total hilarity.... do you wanna drive? do you? im doing things here.. im driving im shooting out the window.. im avoiding things.. and now... im ejecting

    Drunken Archer to Fat Lady: "I'm a secret agent. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but you have a certain thickness that I find apealing."

    Fat Chick: You're drunk!

    Archer: I know I'm drunk, otherwise I wouldn't be talking to you!

  5. I've been looking for the episode online and can't find it at all. I WANT to see this shit. It's on tomorrow night right?

    Yeah... Tomorrow at 10.

    If you have On Demand, you can still watch the first two episodes.

  6. Any plan is useless until we secure our border with Mexico. It needs to be secure. Then' date=' we wouldn't have this problem.

    So, strategy reroute...

    Arm Texas, Arizona, California and New Mexico with fully automatic machine guns and tell them their sovereignty is in their hands. Let the states maintain the borders. They'll do a helluva' better job than the Feds do. (not that the Feds give a fuck about this nation's sovereignty)[/quote']

    Pauly for Border Patrol 2010: Protecting Amerika Bitches!!! (Shoots AK in the air while tossing a live grenade).:D

  7. Some of the biggest online retailers also have physical stores (walmart, best buy, target.. etc)

    Not to mention, internet sales help these retailers (small, and major) make money when they may otherwise miss out on sales. The cash comes in when the busy worker (and parent) doesn't have time to go shop, or cannot get there during normal business hours... The online store is ALWAYS open.

    The money comes in when the weather is too treacherous to hit the stores... I used to be a buyer for a major retailer in DC, and whenever we got any unexpected snow, our area branch sales took a BEATING vs. the projection. And with stores in multiple locations throughout the East coast, 6 stores could be affected one week, and 10 the next (depending on the weather pattern).

    The money comes in when the consumer needs to purchase a gift for someone, and have it sent to their home which is 3000mi. away.

    Which brings me to another point... The rise and prominence of online retailing has given more work to the shipping industry (i.e. FedEx, UPS) (Just a hypothesis... I haven't researched this).

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