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Posts posted by KruelHouse

  1. wow really pumped some life back into this thread lol

    All hail the resurrector of old threads!:bow:

    Seriously though, regardless of the opposition, I still think that the 999 is a sick-looking bike!

    Yes, I think that the classic styling born from the 916 is timeless...

    Yes, the new 848/1x98s are beautiful...

    However, for some reason, the xx9s are my favorite.

  2. lol way to drag up the old thread...... come on newb you are supposed to start a whole new twitterish thread about it lol. ;)

    Just fulfilling my daily quest to preserve and perpetuate the genius work of McLovin:D.

  3. :eek: hrm, that might look suspicious if most of my stuff is removed before the fire.... lol.

    Don't remove your stuff... Just make sure that its insured... Then you can get NEW stuff:D J/K

    DISCLAIMER: Insurance fraud and conspiracy to commit insurance fraud are illegal actions, and we the individuals of KruelHouse Inc. do not participate in, nor condone any discussion or initiatives to carry out the aforementioned acts.

  4. This totally sucks bc i'm reluctant to move bc this apartment rocks, i'm literally a 1 minute walk to my job, and there is no way in heck that I have time to repack all my stuff then unpack it even if I am lucky enough to find a place that I like that is in my budget that doesn't have a crazy landlord... i mean sure, i might be able to break the lease now, but where am i going to go? I moved here bc I didn't have time for the commute.... now i'm just screwed.... i'm so frustrated.

    MJ. Gotta be honest with you love. You're starting to sound like the girl who stays in an abusive relationship because the guy is cute, and all of your friends like him. You have standards, and if this place isn't meeting the core standards, it's time to kick rocks (or as IP so eloquently put it... "Beat Feat"). Don't settle just because it's convenient.:rulez:

    I've driven down your street, and have seen some places pop up between yours and mine. I have no idea what they're going for, but it's sounds like it's time to start "window shopping".:D

  5. so who here knows a lot of stuff about furnaces and wants to tell me why mine (and my upstairs neighbor's) isnt working?? Srsly, this is getting super old fast. My heat hasn't been working correctly for about a week at least and my landlord is too cheap (or dumb) to hire a real furnace technician.

    Umm... Kiddo, if you've been without heat for a week, it's time to start a paper trail.

    Discontinue trying to communicate her via phone. Start sending emails stating that your heat (and any other necessity that she's responsible for) is non-existent. Make sure that you document everything. Sounds like she isn't too bright, so if you send an email (if she responds), she will lazily reply to the email. Therefore, if she throws you sum bull-isht, you have it documented. If she doesn't respond, and you keep sending her emails, you now have a collection of unanswered requests for heating/plumbing to show the judge.

  6. Don't think that I'd do it...

    Like Yota so eloquently put it, karma is a bitch.

    Not to mention, what if the entire point of the game is for the networks to increase ratings/revenue without losing a dime?

    Knowing just how human nature lends itself to be susceptible to greed and immorality, they know that there are a SHIT TON of people in the world who would take this offer... So what do you do?


    Since the show will be taped, and not live... You wouldn't really know that you're killing the previous winner (so it seems "random" to you). And you die a week later... Right before the check clears.:eek:

  7. i guess anyone can get on a facebook account name it whatever they want and poke someone. i think ill go make a couple named Sambusa and Fonzie right now and poke random people and make sheep/goats sounds at them! could start a worldwide epidemic of people poking and making sheep noises! :lol:

    You know... The undying "conspiracy theorist" in me says that you raise an interesting point... What IF, someone else signed into her FB account and poked the chick? Hell, let's take it a step further from reality and assume that the victim actually logged in as the defendant and poked herself (because for some reason, she wanted to get back at her for something)... Stay tuned for the riveting conclusion...:popcorn:

  8. you are right the whole world i watching and laughing at us right now. how are we supposed to win a war we are in now when you give a prize for peace to a man in charge of it. :nono: kinda puts him in a bit of conflicting intrests.

    I see where you're coming from, however we must remember that he didn't START the war. Now that being established, bringing an end to the current campaigns would be noteworthy. So yes, he is in charge of the war however that's the hand that he was dealt when he was sworn in... How he plays said hand is what's critical.

  9. so many places i could go with this....

    I'm a father of three daughters (3,13,17) and two sons, all are mixed. (i'm black, their mom's white) the complexion of the new dolls more closely resembles my daughters as does the hair texture. That being said....

    Be a fucking adult parent. If you don't like what a toy represents, then don't spend your money on it! I never wanted my kids to think of guns as toys, so guess what, i never purchased or allowed them to play with toy guns until they spent time with me at the range and had a good understanding of what a gun is and does. That's called being a parent. Reinforces a negative image? Fuck, most of us have family that represents more of a negative image than anything you can purchase or see of tv.

    So, to my black (don't you fucking dare call me african american) friends out there that are having issues with this doll, spend more time instilling good moral values and self worth in your kids, and less time trying to be hood!

    +muthafcuking 1!

  10. so we'll take it away if he doesn't step up to the plate?

    That would be interesting. However, since they awarded the prize based upon his promises, The Nobel Foundation has no recouse should he not deliver... He made a promise, and they gave him an award for it.

    Kinda like if I were telling our CEO all of the great things that I plan to do for our clients and he gives me a bonus. If I don't deliver, too bad, the money's spent; you gave me money for promising you isht (granted he could fire me tho).

  11. Seriously though....

    I support the President, and would like to see him succeed in improving the state of the Nation.

    HOWEVER, I do maintain that the award would hold more weight if it were presented after the initiatives have been implemented. I agree with RSV, JRMiii, and others who believe that this kinda cheapens the award for the predecessors who've accomplished great things in the world, thus earning this distinction.

    Truth be told, I'm not sure if "my" pride would have allowed me to accept it... But that's just me.

    Stepping out of bounds here, but perhaps this could act as preemptive motivation... You know, give you an award for what you say that you're going to do, now the WHOLE world is watching, listening, and waiting... You have NO choice but to deliver. However I've learned that this tactic does not work with children and candy (the lil' bastards will eat your Snickers, and still leave you with a nasty car and a yard full of leaves... FCUKERS).

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