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Posts posted by KruelHouse

  1. If I could resist the urge to punch when someone jumps out of no where I would be all over this... But I don't think I can resist. :lol:

    QFT! When I was a kid, I was at a church which hosted a haunted house. I began to spaz and started swinging... They drug me into the hallway and made me sit in the corner for a while:D

  2. DAMN that is pricey!! This better be a good fucking haunted house or I will be taking my aggression out on the guy with a chainsaw... no one will know if me slitting his throat is all apart of the show or not!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!! I love killing people in haunted houses!

    Yota, do we need to buy you another hooker?!!?:D

  3. Scam?!!? A scam would be selling it for $10-$15,000. That sounds like bait for some rape-age!

    Careful if you plan to go out there for a test drive, dude could be on some Buffalo Bill type isht... "It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!":lol:

  4. holy shit you are cute. lets roll up to that guys place and really make his blood boil. that would be the best pay back ever!:D

    That would be funny! Could I roll down and play the role of you two's freakishly-large "love-child"? Though I'm not light-skinned at all... One look at my pecan-tan might give it away.:D

    BTW, the situation is fcuked... Whether he was spouting racial slurs at you, or just simply talking about snakin' your Mom, Wife, G/F, etc. Fact of the matter is respect was not reciprocated, and a line was crossed.

  5. I have no idea what you speak of? LMAO!! I thought about going. Truth be told, Its just easier for me to get downtown vs the east side. At this point I think Im prolly just gonna stay home tonight. I honestly couldnt tell ya the last thursday night I stayed home... Damn. Cant start now!!!

    HAHA! I thought about taking my "post-dinner" stroll down in that direction, just to see what I could see... Although I may just stay home and go out on "couch potato-status".

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