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Posts posted by KruelHouse

  1. KEEP THE LSL's. After having done this procedure on 2 sets of plastics for my bike, I can tell you that the hardest part is summoning the testicular fortitude to drill and cut your baby's panels. It may be helpful to have another set of eyes, but you'll be okay.

    Not to mention, the LSL's are top kit (and in the unfortunate event of an off, they supposedly sell replacement bobbins so that you won't have to buy a full set).

    Oh, be sure to get some masking or painter's tape and tape off the plastic around the hole that you drilled before cutting with the saw.

    Also, set the drill to a slow/moderate speed when using the holesaw (you don't want to warp your plastic from the heat generated).

  2. I thought they were going to raise the limit for cars as well.....

    I heard that last month as well. They were going to increase the limit to 70. Not only to compensate for the higher speed of semis, but also to achieve congruency with the limits of neighboring states (PA, WVa.)...

  3. What no love for the RC? Can't we all just get along?

    I have an article from Performance Bikes (Circa Oct. 2007) which opens with something like: "Every sportbike enthusiast has considered owning an SP-1 or SP-2 at some point."

    However RC owners get a lot of flack on the message boards. I think that it's the Kirstie Alley effect: Secretly you'd ride it/her, but you don't want your mates to know that you enjoy being on a pig. So they run out and scoop up a Paris Hilton: The Suziki GSX-R 1K... ALWAYS seen in the streets, and ridden hard by the masses!

    BTW: No dis to the named victims of my comment!

  4. friends with benefits? perhaps try the "I don't know if i want to get into a long term relationship but it may be hard because your sooo hot!" LOL negative followed up by the positive.

    Then slam a Trojan in her lap, look her in the eye and say: "What's up... You tryin' to see me tonight?":D

  5. Like many others, had the world by the balls and was just to damn stupid to realize it.

    Good point. I often wonder about the large amount of athletes, entertainers, politicians, and others who have garnered mass amounts of fame, fortune, and power, and then go off of the deep end. I always wanted to know at what point do they "snap". So many go from great students, community leaders, exceptional athletes; and then take the leap into foolishness without warning.

    My bad for the digression.

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