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Posts posted by KruelHouse

  1. Drinkin in the morning ? Yous crazy

    Morning buzz is like the NBA: It's FANTASTIC! I'd go to work inebriated if I could get away with it. Why do you think that vodka tastes soo good with breakfast beverages? OJ, Cranberry, Apple juice, Grape Juice, RedBull (Don't act like you've never started your day with a RedBalls!); Sheeet, vodka and Ruby Red-Tangerine... That's genuine goodness right there!

    Wait... What were talking about?... Women, and arguments??? Cool, just making sure that my comments about starting the day intoxicated were relevant. :D

  2. My favorites were either the ones with Stinkmeaner and having 'n***a moments' or the one where his buddy in the air force died and Granddad was asked to do the eulogy and got left DEEZ NUTS in the will.

    LMAO at that episode.

    HAHAHA! LMAO at "Moe Bitches" That was the voice of Mike Epps... Much funnier scripted than in standup. LOL

  3. In my opinion, I would do it. I'm sure that you have lots of questions that only they would be able to answer. I can promise you that it's going to be tougher than posting/reading about this topic on OR, but the outcome could very well pay off exponentially. Even if you don't get a chance to connect with your parents or any other family members, as Likwid said going "home" can be a really powerful experience in itself.

    One thing to keep in mind: You were who you are when you get there, and you will be who you are when you return (possibly even enhanced to some degree). What I mean is that you've overcome quite a few obstacles, made some outstanding achievements, and have touched a few lives in your journey. As you continue to write the story of your life and attempt to close this one chapter, don't be discouraged if it doesn't go the way that you may have hoped; for there are, and will be many more monumental chapters to write.

  4. I sometimes think that there should be some internal checks that the human body does to mitigate/prevent such a risk from occurring prior to conception. Here's an example:

    1. When the healthy sperm of an intelligent man fuses with the egg of an intelligent woman, the egg becomes fertile and the couple is blessed with a healthy baby girl or boy.

    2. When the healthy sperm of an intelligent man fuses with the egg of a dumb-azz woman, that dumb-b@tch shall give birth to a goldfish! Should she become wiser after taking care of her newfound pet, they may try again.

    3. The healthy egg of an intelligent woman shall protect itself with an impenetrable kevlar-reiforced titanium shield should the swimmers of some asshat be lurking about.

    4. When two people with an unredeemable lack of intelligence get together, there shall be a post-coital explosion, resulting in the destruction of their respective gametes. Thus they will be rendered sterile until they get their act together, or mate with someone smarter and pray for a goldfish.

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