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Posts posted by KruelHouse

  1. :lol: i wanna jump in and laugh with you here and maybe even make a joke but i dont want to chance it, could be a trap :lol:


    It's okay to laugh Kawi... It's okay to laugh

    It went down like this, except less about Santa....

    You gotta pay, what you OWE!

    I effen LOVEd that episode!

    Let me know if this is going to be another DJ Isle thread, so I can grab a chair and my


    Looks like you're good on the snacks love... $20 says that I can finish that bag before it gets stale... Especially if it's KETTLECORN!

  2. That's just the public system and you won't stop that. Sending your children to school is merely a formality. Real intelligence and education should always develop at home. School is just another tool to enhance growth. It is only what parents allow it to be. Stay involved and don't let the school 'indoctrinate' your children unless you want them to.

    QFT! And as far as not letting my child go there and watch it... For or against the views of the President/speech, I'd encourage my child to participate just so that he/she could see one side of the coin, and then I'd sit down with him/her that evening and discuss what was said, what my child, his/her classmates, and the teacher thought. Then I'd provide my input.

  3. Aside from not sending out permission slips, I don't have a huge problem with it. That is, of course, as long as it's a "welcome back from summer, study hard, enjoy your classmates, open your mind, good luck" type of speech. Truth be told, I agree with the PTA rep who said that this sort of thing should have happened YEARS ago. As far as lesson plan integration is concerned, I also think that's a good idea. Aside from having students set measurable goals, it also serves as a good benchmark to see how their writing and vocabulary have progressed throughout the year. I can see (don't really understand) some parents being sore at the original wording of how the student can "help" the president, as opposed to the new verbiage. I wouldn't have a problem with it, but I'm not everybody.

    I remember watching the "State of the Union" address many times in school, and being given the same assignment... "How can I be a better citizen and help the President change the nation." Granted, it was recorded, so parents saw it the night before... I can also remember having local politicians, even Gov. Doug Wilder come speak to us, and NO ONE knew what they were going to discuss prior to them taking the stage. I honestly don't see a great deal of harm in this exercise... If there is some sort of malfeasance, I do believe that any caring parent can undo that damage when their child returns home.

  4. I knew you were talking about your woman! That's why I was laughing. ;) Sooo you are bring Jaime out to see us all tomorrow? She can give me pointers on how to make a come back for training after I get over this darn bronchitis. I can barely walk without getting winded right now! :(

    Sorry Princess P, but once said package has been retrieved, I must scurry home as quickly as possible. Can't make any stops, nor give anyone any rides... Just point A to point B with this one. LOL

    Sorry to hear about your bronchitis... That SUKZ! Heal up, I'm sure that you'll be back out there again in no time.

  5. Package? :lol:

    Yes Princess P. By package, I mean Jaimie

    mail order bride from Ukraine

    Ordering a WIFE via the mail sounds like an eternal headache. That's probably why that business isn't doing as well as it could. They need to change the concept to "mail order prostitute". I for one may be inclined to shop for "choice weekend entertainment" via a catalog, however I will NOT attempt to spend my life with her. It goes against my strict personal code of ethics. LOL

  6. Sorry about your misfortune mayne. Glad that you were not seriously injured. Just rest up.

    +1 on all that was said on also filing a police report, and saving all receipts for ANY purchases related to this accident. Hell, if you had to buy food while at the ER (because you weren't at home to eat your own food... Save that receipt too). I went through this process with a friend who was seriously injured by a drunk driver whilst on his bike (Nukcrash 69). We spent hours going through all of his financial records preparing for his case... Its good to be prepared.

  7. I used to race go-karts with this guy named Jason Case, his parents were going to name him Justin, but realized the humor before making their final decision.

    Too bad, he could have been a SafeAuto spokesperson:D. Son could've been getting that SafeAuto endorsement loot!

  8. There was a guy at my old company named Richard Burns (however, he went by Dick)... That's right, the man's name was Dick Burns!

    You know how many times he's called my office starting a convo with: "Dick Burns here", and I've had to keep from saying things like: "Some penicillin should clear that right up."?

    I should have gotten a larger bonus just for sparing his feelings!

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