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Posts posted by KruelHouse

  1. isn't this what the original rappers were hoping for? to become mainstream?

    the garbage that gets produced as a result is just the price you pay for being a mainstream genre...period.

    To a degree. Original artists were hoping for the music, artform, and culture of hip-hop to become mainstream... However, I'm not quite sure that anyone saw this crap coming. I think that Inya said it best when he referenced real hip hop artists (Common, De La, MOS DEF, Talib, Tribe, and many that came before them) as originators, while the rest Soulja Boy and the like are simply raping the genre for cash. Speaking of which, give that track "The Rape Over" by Mos Def a listen, and you'll see exactly what's going on.

    I think that the reason why no one really saw this coming is that back when hip hop originated, most of the "suckas" who weren't coming with the "real" were quickly dismissed (battling in a cypher, at a party, on stage etc.), and taken out of the game until their skills were up to par. Some became "one hit wonders" (Vanilla Ice/MC Hammer, etc.). That way, should "wackness" ever make it to the mainstream, it didn't really perpetuate itself. Now labels are signing this garbage (because its catchy/infectious), so more garbage is being made.

    Fortunately for true hip-hop fans, this is nothing more than a storm that we must weather, and it too shall pass. We've seen rap (a part of hip-hop) go from hardcore, to gangsta, to heavily materialistic... This is just another phase. But until it ends, I'll be bumping some Chili Peppers

  2. Sorry... This is going to be LONG!

    I honestly dig the message (wrote a lengthy blog about that topic a few yrs back, but never uploaded it), however I LOATHE it's delivery.

    The problem with blackface, regardless of the message, is that it's BLACKFACE! True it carries a certain "shock-quality", however I'm not a fan of utilizing an entertainment genre that exploited, oppressed, and belittled my ancestor's culture and way of life in order to convey a message.

    Yeah, you can argue that I'm taking this too seriously (as it was meant in jest). You can also argue that the bullshit that's in heavy rotation on the radio is hot garbage. Hell, I'll second that! I'm so sick of Stanky Legs, Ice Cream Paint, and ANYTHING with Soulja Boy. Hell, after he made that IGNANT (that's right, when it's that dumb, it's no longer ignorant, but IGNANT) comment about giving "props" to slave owners, I decided that he, his parents, teachers, and church officials all need to be given a good flogging with a sand-filled hose until they no longer feel the pain from the lead pipe that they were previously attacked with.

    My bad, I got off track thinking about beating some sense into Soulja Boy... Yeah, I may be taking this too seriously, but I'm not a big fan of blackface parodies. Especially when in some cases, the general audience isn't "swift" enough to connect with the message. Now we have gratuitous blackface in circulation.

    I did kinda laugh at the "ice" substitution for watermelon seeds.


  3. its a honda, not a ducati. totally different story with the duc.

    Please son! My Honda has more soul than most people.:D Caring for one's bike is a labor of love, it facilitates an unbreakable bond between machine and rider, one so powerful that the bike can begin to sense the rider's thoughts (ever wonder why it seems as if your bike corners effortlessly with you on it, but not so much with someone else?). So don't make it mad with thoughts of replacing it.:nono:

    Does Hallmark have a line of Motorcycle greeting cards?:D

  4. I'm not clever if you have to explain it. :nono:

    John's onto me. I busted his chops about his ugly bike on our ride last weekend, but he knows it's because I'm in the closet about wanting to have one in my garage to do horribly evil and disgusting things with... I'd even let me 'busa and SV watch.

    yea, I'm kinky like that.

    Two wheeled menage?!!? Whatever works for ya... Just try not to get any love stains in the exhaust... May not bode well for the garage door upon startup.:lol:

  5. Like gruesome Calvin and Hobbes violence?

    I guess it's better than a pic of an RC - I don't think anyone should be forced to look at one of those. :D

    I'm sayin'..... That's jive messed up:wtf:. You can either stare at Aria's azz whenever I post, or a pic of my ugly mug:D... Take your pic (*Note: I know the difference between pick and pic, "pick" meaning "choose" was purposely spelled like "pic" meaning an abbreviation for "picture" in a tremendously corny way to appear witty).

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