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Posts posted by KruelHouse

  1. Could be my own naivite, but I'm having a hard time seeing how a government official inquiring about a person's tax records is an illegal procedure (less of course, there was some sort of foul play, bribery, strongarming, etc. afoot).

    As far as it coming out that he didn't have a license, that came out by interviewing a leader of the plumber's union.

    If I were running for office, and my opponent was able to successfully turn an ordinary individual into an instrumental component in his debates against me, I'd probably want to know everything that I could about that individual as well.

    In my honest opinion, it wasn't Obama that tried to kill his business... I wouldn't even say that it was McCain (even though it was his campaign that prolonged Joe's 15min. of fame)... At the end of the day, the media was paramount in making Joe a household name, and poor Joe didn't have his house in order.

    However, the initial thread was about Pres. Obama staring down a reporter, prior to giving his response (which was heavily lauded as cold and unfriendly)... The man has publicly made a few mistakes recently, however I'm not quite ready to assemble an impeachment committe;)

  2. Joe the plumber asked Obama a question he didn't like, and they tried to "kill" his business. Just imagine what will happen now that he has been elected and controls the goons in black masks. ;)

    I don't think that anyone tried to "kill" his business. If I remember correctly, it came out that he didn't have a license, and didn't pay his taxes... That is unless I got my information messed up somehow.

  3. VOLTRON lions and action figures FTMFW!!!

    I took them everywhere, and was PISSED when I found out that my mom donated them (I was a Jr. in College at the time).

    Now I gotta drop 2 C-notes for a new one on eBay:eek:


    I just saw the date, and I can't make it!

    I have to go watch some chick and some dude "agree to forego happiness and wild drunken sex with multiple partners in exchange for shared living, health, and tax benefits... For as long as they both shall live."

    Best wishes to the Bride and Groom :cheers:

  5. Princess:

    My girl got the Storm the day that it was released, and I pretty much had to set it up for her due to her frustration with the firmware. The next firmware release SOLVED many of the problems claimed by reviewers at the Storm's launch. Not to mention great reception from Verizon.

    iPhone: I LOVE it (and I don't even own one). The only issue is reception and dropped calls (although that's incrementally beginning to improve).

    The Storm does have a bit of a lag, and as aforementioned, depending on what the processor is currently doing, that lag may multiply. It's locked up a couple of times (requiring a quick reset), and running med. programs may prove to be a little taxing on the processor.


  6. Good meeting you too Jess!

    Jess, McLovin' and all Pic Whores and Johns:

    I'm currently posting from my client's computer, so I won't be able to upload pics until tonite. However, I'm half tempted to refrain until the bike is re-assembled. Stay Tuned...

    Seriously, I will post pics of the tank and fairing tonight if I get a chance, so that you can all see how good his work is.

  7. Kick-Azz!!! ('Nuff said).

    Seriously, I sent a damaged rt. fairing, and tank in for repair, as well as my wheels for painting, and the job that AttackPainter did was un-paralleled! There are NO discernible differences between my parts and brand new OEM parts (except for the fact that I haven't replaced the decals yet). The tank was scratched, and had a few noticeable dents, and now it looks better than new.

    In addition to this, AttackPainter did a superb job on my wheels, adding the appropriate level of "sickness" that they've been missing... All of this was done at an EXTREMELY affordable price, with a pretty quick turnaround.

    Thanks APCh8r for putting me in contact with him... I would definitely recommend him to anyone looking to have some work done.

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