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Posts posted by KruelHouse

  1. My wife actually saw someone on a bike this morning on 270 around 6:30am' date=' thats someone with a death wish!

    For several hours this morning there was black ice all over the place due to melt-and-refreeze![/quote']

    Yeah, I saw someone out this morning too, and my 1st thought was WTF???

    Guys riding: BE CAREFUL as there is still a great deal of salt/sand on the roads. I'm waiting for a hard rain or two to wash that crap down a bit... That and the fact that my bike is in pieces. LOL

  2. i just bought servin' it up 1.

    but i mean i have a bunch of dvd's. over 400, anime xbox 360 games. i'm sure i'd be possible for us to work something out. i've got much more.

    That's cool with me. When I get home tonight, I will PM you a list of my available stunt videos (I don't have many), and we can take it from there.

  3. I was once told that the only people (other than you) who need to know how much money you're making is your bank, and the gov't. And you'd better believe that the gov't ALREADY knows, so you're halfway there.

    On a serious note, ONLY you will know when/if the time is right to disclose that information. Most importantly, don't allow a little extra cash become the catalyst for making major life decisions. You've got the right idea by wanting to take things slowly...

    Good luck and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  4. I had just moved to CBus, and was apparently at an OR event that took place at that unspeakable establishment where we USED to hang out. Not knowing anyone there (as I was just riding past and saw bikes parked out back), I sat down and ordered a lemonade. It wasn't long before CBRGirl cold STRONG-ARMED me, told me about the site, and proceeded to violently stuff OR paraphernalia into my jacket pocket. Afterwards, I immediately went home and signed up for fear of receiving a Shoei-enema upon my next meeting with CBRGirl:eek:

  5. Originally Posted by yotaman88210 viewpost.gif

    WOw, look how dirty that toilet is too on the hinges. That person prolly got herpes just sittin on it! :eek:

    i noticed that too. lol

    +1,000,000 Yota and Jess!

    I think that I noticed that nasty-azz toilet before that gleaming pile of isht. I said gleaming because it does have a smooth luster to it. LOL.

    That toilet is waaaayyyyyy past "Scrubbing Bubbles"

  6. It bothers me to learn that someone's RC (or any bike for that matter) has been potentially nicked. If it belongs to someone on this board, I am sorry for your loss. Here's to hoping that it returns unscathed to its rightful owner.


  7. I've got VA Tech over the Bearcats in the Orange Bowl (Has NOTHING to do with me being from VA):D

    I'd LOVE to see Penn St. over USC

    Florida Over Oklahoma

    I'd like to see OSU pull it off over Texas, however... I think Texas may come up on top.

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